Mostafa Mohammadi; shokoufeh asadi
Social networks have provided a convenient platform for communication between users due to their ease of use and they have infiltrated people's social life with great speed. The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors affecting the sharing of travel experiences in social networks, which are ...
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Social networks have provided a convenient platform for communication between users due to their ease of use and they have infiltrated people's social life with great speed. The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors affecting the sharing of travel experiences in social networks, which are classified into two categories of facilitators and deterrents. Perceived pleasure, altruism, and self-fulfillment variables as facilitators, and personal variables, relationships, security reasons, and privacy were examined as deterrents. The present research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive and correlational in terms of data collection. The statistical population of the study included tourists and visitors to the tourist destination of Babolsar city. The statistical sample was calculated based on Cochran's formula of 384 people. Simple random sampling method was used to select the sample. Data were collected through the distribution of a questionnaire. Data analysis was performed using SPSS24 and SmartPLS2 software packages. Findings indicate the importance of the effect of deterrents and facilitators on sharing travel experiences on social networks and the results encourage tourism and marketing activists to become aware of the power of user-generated content through social media.
Mostafa Mohammadi; Seyyed Mohammad Mirtaghian Rudsari
Attention to the function and role of social media in actions Tourism Destination Service Supplier, can be a ground for the development of tourism in the destination. The purpose of this study is to Tourism Destination Service Suppliers Approach toward the role of social media in the tourism destination ...
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Attention to the function and role of social media in actions Tourism Destination Service Supplier, can be a ground for the development of tourism in the destination. The purpose of this study is to Tourism Destination Service Suppliers Approach toward the role of social media in the tourism destination and the activities of suppliers. This study was applied research, descriptive-correlation research based on structural equation modeling. The statistical population of the study consisted of Tourism Service Suppliers in Ramsar Destination, Which was obtained 327 people through Judgment sampling and field survey. Data were collected through a questionnaire. A part of the data analysis was performed through SPSS24, and also to test the research hypotheses was used structural equation modeling by using Lisrel8.54 software. The findings determined that based on Tourism Destination Service Suppliers Approach of Ramsar Destination, Social media have a role and influence in destination management, advertising and promotion at destination, research and marketing at destination, interaction and communication at destination, and distribution and sales in destinations. According to the analysis of findings and results, recommendation were presented
Mostafa Mohammadi; Seyyed MohAMMAD mIRTAGHIAN rOODSARI
Purpose: Today, Travel planning process by tourists of a destination take some form of social media.this study was performed with purpose of Examine the role of social media in Travel planning process by tourists of ramsar destination.Methodology: The population consisted of Iranian tourists that visited ...
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Purpose: Today, Travel planning process by tourists of a destination take some form of social media.this study was performed with purpose of Examine the role of social media in Travel planning process by tourists of ramsar destination.Methodology: The population consisted of Iranian tourists that visited Ramsar destination. The number of samples calculated 384 people on the basis of Sample size calculation formula for unlimited population. To select sample was used simple random sampling. Data were collected through questionnaires. Data analysis was performed by using software package SPSS24 and SmartPLS2.Findding: The findings suggest that all hypotheses were confirmed; that is from perspective of tourists, Social media have a significant and positive impact on the planning Travel planning process to Ramsar destination, namely pre-trip planning, actions of during the trip and and behaviors of after trip to the Ramsar.Authenticity: in this study, we tried to examine the role of social media in Travel planning process by tourists of ramsar destination through Structural equation modeling (SEM) approach based on partial least squares (PLS); While in internal previous studies has not been addressed to this area.Conclusion: Scocial Media (In three dimensions, domain and accessibility, continuity and reliability, and interactive and unlimited) play very important role in Travel planning process to Ramsar destination. Other results are presented in the form of conclusions and suggestions.