Document Type : Research Paper


1 Communications Sciences; Allameh TabaTaba'i University



Crises are an integral part of social life and their number and diversity are increasing day by day. Social media plays an important role in crisis management due to its extensive capabilities in attracting audiences and the ability to shape public opinion. The present study aimed to investigate the reflection of Covid 19 on social networks by analyzing the content published in Iranian telegram channels about the prevalence of corona. For this purpose, using quantitative and qualitative methods, the messages published in this regard in the period of March 2020 to September 2020 have been analyzed. The findings show that with the decrease in the intensity of Covid-19 related content dissemination, people's sensitivity and attention to the application of restrictions during the period under review has decreased. Also based on the content analysis of telegram posts, "The situation of corona outbreaks, reopening of schools, holding entrance exams, Muharram ceremonies, economy , medical staff, government actions and scientific materials related to Covid-19 " as the main topics The attention of Iranian telegram channels was obtained during the research period.
