Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Shahrood University of Technology.

2 . MA in MBA, Shahrood University of Technology. Hony


Social networks are among the most effective communication environments and despite being very young they have achieved high influence among the youths. Analyzing the content of users' comments on social networks, can reveal hidden layers and the underlying meanings of those remarks. Netnography is a new approach in the field of social networks and cyber space communications. In Netnography the comments and suggestions of the customers are studied in order to understand the attitudes, images, and emotions of the users in online communities.
For this study the comments written by the students of management at a university in the city of Shahrood were studied using Netnography and analyzed based on grounded theory. Then importantissueswere determined by experts and because some of the comments were incomplete we prioritized them based on fuzzy preference relations with incomplete information.


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