Document Type : Research Paper



2 New Science of Media Department, Communication Faculty, University of IRIB


In this article we suggest three theoretical realms to media literacy studies based on the three dimensional concept of media in Klaus Bruhn Jensen’s definition. After that, we develop the concept of computer games literacy corresponding to the three realms of media literacy.
In Jensen’s definition, concept of “media” understand in three distinct levels: The first level is related to material and technological sense of media; second level is related to close examination on communicating potentials of media; and finally third level is related to social and institutional sense of media. Media literacy in framework of these three levels of media concept, gain distinct realms of detailed ideas for different kind of researches and studies. As a result, we suggest that “computer games literacy” has triple realms corresponding to three theoretical realms of “media literacy”. According to this receipt, we evaluate "Amnesty the Game" in the second part of the article from the perspective of triple realms of “computer games literacy”.
Case Study of "Amnesty the Game" showed, how discursive means of the text reproduced in synergistic form in all of the three levels of media concept. This game practiced to expand the knowledge generated by user interaction with the virtual world of the text to the real and historical world through utilizing communicative strategies as: establishing somehow interactive communication with user; linking the virtual identity of the user in the world of the game with his virtual identity on Facebook as a social network.


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