Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student in Communication Sciences, Faculty of Communication and Media Studies, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Communication, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

3 Associate Professor Department of Communication and Media Studies, School of Communication and Media Studies, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran.


Objective: Today, brand has become one of the most important issues in all companies, so that no company can be considered without a brand. This issue has spread to such an extent that, in addition to politicians, some citizens are also trying to create a personal brand for themselves. Various measures can be taken to create a brand, which includes a wide range of advertising in large companies to the creation of content by citizens in social networks. This wide range can create a brand, although today the brand has become a complex and specialized science and has gone beyond a title, so that applying a brand name to a brand is considered as creating a limit for it. Branding is the process of changing or conquering hearts and creating a place in people's minds, branding is an evolved version of marketing. Now the world is living in the era of branding. The role that the brand plays in the organization is to strengthen the current principles, strengthen the vision and strategic goals of the organization. This is important by identifying, creating awareness, ensuring quality level, quantity, satisfaction, helping to promote and develop organizational identity.The continuous implementation and evaluation and modification of behavioral patterns, review of feedbacks and help to the consistency and durability of the brand can be implemented and managed by the communication and public relations unit. On the other hand, new social media, along with webs, applications and smart data as a basic and vital tool of public relations, have created such an environment of intelligent communication around today's companies and organizations that now the tweets of these new media inform what is happening to the organization. is to give; The result of learning this intelligent environment is nothing but a range of countless communications and the capacity of infinitely wide participation of the type of negotiations with everyone (at all levels of internal and external communications in social networks).

Methods: In this article, the role of public relations as one of the tools of brand production and promotion has been investigated, and interviews with communication professors and public relations experts from all over the world have been conducted using the grounded theory method.In order to collect information and sources about the subject of research, a specific field must be determined, in other words, the collection of sources must be limited, because on the one hand, determining a specific field of study will cause all the important works to be collected in that field, and on the other hand, it will take a lot of time. For a research, it makes the reader tired of studying the details that are not necessary. During the collection of sources, it should be ensured that the prepared sources are at the service of the research, and not that it has an effect on the whole research (Delavar, 1384: 92).

In this research, it was necessary to obtain the opinions of professors and experts in the field of communication and public relations. Therefore, in selecting the statistical sample, we tried to select people who had opinions in this field or had relevant work experience of more than ten years, for this purpose, 15 people were selected from all over the world, including professors in the field of public relations and communication and relations specialists. They were general and marketing.

Results: According to the obtained results, it was found that in addition to the main task of selling, the task of producing and promoting and stabilizing the brand is also one of the undeniable tasks of public relations.

Conclusions: Modern social media, as a smart environment for companies and organizations and their diverse campaigns, have included branding, advertising and marketing to sales and sales services. The results of this intelligent environment can be used with strategic planning. Below is a practical process for using social media in the direction of branding organizations, companies, products, services and their goods. Also, some application strategies are presented based on the functional diversity of each of the virtual social networks and the dispersion of their audiences.The public relations of any organization, whether governmental, private, or semi-governmental, in order to be sustainable in a competitive system, requires the preparation of a plan with strategic content based on strategic thinking. is.Therefore, by adopting appropriate strategies to produce, promote and stabilize the brand, public relations are able to develop organizational branding at the level of social networks.
