Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student at Tehran University, Tehran, Iran.

2 PhD in Sociology of University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.


The media, as a form of technology, has revived the age-old hope of bridging the nation-state gap by transforming societies into a society of virtual networks, and many believe that social networks such as Twitter have created a public sphere in the critique of political power. The present study, in the paradigm of cognitive interdisciplinary sciences and using the method of computing social sciences, examines the social relations network available on Twitter of Iranian users and examines the realization of the public sphere. The conclusion of the present study is that although the Twitter platform has potentially enabled such a possibility, the observation of the activism of active actors indicates the immaturity of the public sphere in Iranian society and we can only speak of political homophobia within scattered communities. What can make a difference in this human space through the technology of the hole are the bridge users on Twitter and the liaisons between the ECO rooms, whose role in the events related to the martyrdom of Sardar Soleimani is clearly explained, and the pattern of its qualitative variables is included.


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