Document Type : Research Paper


1 Master's Student in Journalism, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran


Today, the concept of citizenship as one of the concepts of the modern world guides sustainable human interactions. Citizenship represents the relationship between the individual and society in the form of rights and responsibilities. On the one hand, solving urban problems, urbanization crises and improving the behavior of citizens, the existence of a suitable culture of citizenship and urbanization, such as urban responsibility; Lawfulness of citizens, and normality are among the patterns of urbanization and these categories are among the necessities of urban life. So all the components of urban life, considering the role of culture in the social relations of the city, urban facilities, transportation system, the body of the city, and urban users, should try to create the necessary balance. The basic point in explaining the studies related to citizenship is that citizenship cannot be considered only from the perspective of law, or only from the perspective of the relationship between citizenship and the government, investigating the issue of identity, with the advancement of technology, it has found different ways to manifest itself. Currently, various services and applications allow their users to share their daily life and identity in different ways with their mobile phones. Since identity is a variable thing that changes during the social experience and with the formation of new communication methods, new social networks can build people's identities by providing new possibilities. But it seems that Instagram, as one of the largest virtual communities of Iranians, is an important identity-building tool that has led to the creation of an interactive space between users and has influenced their citizenship and national identity as a dynamic phenomenon. According to the statistics of the National Management Center for the Development of Modern Social Networks, more than half of the Iranian people have access to social networks, including Instagram. This capacity of communication and information created regarding modern social networks including Instagram has brought effects and consequences in the identity of Iranian citizens, including Isfahan city, and the basis of the form of the question at the beginning of the present research is: What role does the Instagram social network play? Do they play a role in the citizenship identity of the citizens of Isfahan City?
The present research was done to determine the effect of using the Instagram social network on the citizenship identity of Isfahani citizens. This study was conducted among all citizens of Isfahan province and the impact of using social networks on citizenship identity was measured.
The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of using the Instagram social network on the citizenship identity of Isfahani citizens.
This research is practical in terms of purpose, descriptive in nature, correlational in terms of the relationship between research variables, and cross-sectional in terms of time. The statistical population of the present study includes all the citizens of Isfahan who are Instagram users in 2019. The sample size was 384 people according to the use of Cochran's unlimited formula. The sampling method in this research was available sampling. In order to collect data, the citizen identity questionnaire of Sadr Arahami et al. was used and the content validity of the questionnaires was confirmed by the supervisor and several subject experts, and the face validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by several members of the statistical community. The reliability of the questionnaires was calculated using Cronbach's alpha for the Instagram social network usage questionnaire (α = 0.799) and for the citizenship identity questionnaire (α = 0.847). In order to investigate research hypotheses, descriptive and inferential statistics including Pearson's correlation coefficient, structural equations with SPSS software were used.
In the present research, Meh was conducted to investigate the impact of the social network (Instagram) on the citizenship identity of the citizens of Isfahan City. The results of the research showed that there is a significant relationship between the use of the Instagram social network on the enjoyment of the citizenship rights of Isfahani citizens and also the use of the Instagram social network has an effect on the self-identity of Isfahani citizens. There is a significant relationship between the use of the Instagram social network and the citizenship awareness of Isfahani citizens, and the use of the Instagram social network has an effect on the priority of collective interests over individual citizens of Isfahani. There is a relationship between the use of the Instagram social network and the civic commitment to the country and the citizens of Isfahan.
The results of the research showed that there is a significant relationship between the use of the social network Instagram and the enjoyment of citizenship rights, and the use of the social network Instagram has a significant positive effect on our identity. The use of the social network Instagram on civil commitment with a level of confidence of 95% has a positive effect; therefore, there is a significant relationship between the use of the Instagram social network and citizenship identity with a confidence level of 95%


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