Document Type : Research Paper


1 Master of Communication Sciences, Allameh Tabataba’i University

2 Ph.D candidate in Communication Science at Allameh Tabataba’i University of Tehran, Iran

3 Ph.D candidate in Communication Science at Allameh Tabataba'i University


Looking at our lives and our surroundings, we can easily see that the issue of health and its dimensions in people's lifestyles is one of the most important concerns of humans. Today, dealing with the issue of health is out of the individual format and with the change of life patterns, people's health in a field with more diversity has attracted the attention of experts, since reaching these goals is not outside the field of information and awareness, we must say that the issue Communication and the role of the media in the field of health has gained special importance. The purpose of healthy life is the four dimensions of health, i.e. mental, physical, social and spiritual health, which is affected by the performance of modern media. Here, new media are continuously exploited because of the place it has in people's eyes and affect the dimensions of people's lives based on health. Lifestyle is formed from cultural patterns, behavior and habits that people use on a daily basis in their personal and social life and includes daily activities that a person uses in his life and affects his health. Lifestyles help to understand what people do and why and what it means to them and others (Chani, 2001: 11).
 In this research, the role of new media in healthy lifestyle has been discussed. Regarding the importance of this research, it should be acknowledged that with the implementation of this research, the media components of the healthy lifestyle are theoretically identified. Also, appropriate literature will be produced for this work, and in practical terms, it will be a basis for decision-making by officials in order to improve the health of society by using the role of the media. When talking about health, it includes the physical, psychological, spiritual and social dimensions of health, as well as the personal and social characteristics of the respondents, the level of access of the respondents to new media, elements of a health-oriented lifestyle, social harms caused by new media, etc.... has been emphasized.
Therefore, the purpose of this research is to know the role of modern media in different dimensions of health and to know the harms it may have on health. Also, to know the respondents' point of view about the consequences of using new media is one of the goals of this research. Is. The theoretical framework of this research is the theories of need seeking and planting. Because definitely, in today's world, new technologies play an important role as a partner to create a parallel world of reality, which with the points mentioned can shape the realization of a health-oriented life based on its various dimensions. For this reason, in the current social media era, for example, improving the planting theory and applying it in today's modern media world is a necessity. Having said that, the research hypotheses are as follows:

It seems that there is a relationship between the amount of use of new media and a health-oriented lifestyle.
It seems that there is a relationship between the type of new media and the health aspects of lifestyle.
There seems to be a relationship between social networks and a health-oriented lifestyle
It seems that there is a relationship between new media and mental health
There seems to be a relationship between new media and physical health.
There seems to be a connection between new media and spiritual health.
There seems to be a relationship between new media and social health.

This research has been conducted using the survey method, which is considered among the quantitative research methods. The statistical population in this research is the students of Allameh Tabatabai University. The sampling method in this research is a combination of two techniques, multi-stage and quota. To obtain the sample size in this research, Cochran's formula was used, which enables research with 5% error and 95% confidence. The formal method has been used to achieve the validity of the research. In order to provide face validity in the research, the opinions of respected guidance and counseling professors as well as three methodological experts have been used to determine that the items and questions in question examine the desired characteristic.
Research findings:

According to the t-test with a sample calculated for the scale of access to media facilities, with 1% error and 99% confidence, there is a significant difference between the exploitation levels of users. The result shows that there is a significant difference between people's use of modern media. In this scale, despite the significant difference of most variables, the following items were not significant in the scale with 5% error and 95% confidence. Informative sites, repositories, and in this regard, no difference in the type of exploitation of the respondents was mentioned in this regard. This shows that the more general aspects of using new media do not show a difference in the eyes of users.
According to the t-test with a sample calculated for the scale of elements of health dimensions, with 1% error and 99% confidence, there is a significant difference between the levels of addressing these elements by modern media with 1% error and 99% confidence. Also, with 5% error and 95% confidence for healthy eating, self-care in health issues, sports and physical health care, there is no significant difference between positive and negative answers.
According to the t-test with one sample calculated for the scale of damages caused by the use of new media, with 1% error and 99% confidence, there is a significant difference regarding the damage caused by the use of new media among the respondents with 1% error and 99% confidence... Also, with 5% error and 95% confidence, there is no significant difference between positive and negative answers for tendency towards tobacco and illegal economic activities, aversion to religion and tendency towards false mysticism.
According to the t-test with a sample calculated for the social health scale and its dimensions, with 1% error and 99% confidence, there is a significant difference between the levels of addressing these dimensions by modern media for social health, physical health, and also with 5% error and 95% There is certainty for spiritual health. But for mental health, there is no relationship with 5% error and 95% certainty. In this description, it should be stated that the average result indicates the average level of new media's attention to health aspects by people.

The current research under the title of the role of modern media in the respondents' healthy lifestyle with the aim of knowing the dimensions of role-playing in addition to the extent of the respondents' use of modern media; Done. The results of this research indicate that:
1) There is a significant relationship between the use of new media and the role of new media in health-oriented lifestyle with 1% error percentage and 99% confidence percentage.
2) There is a significant relationship between the use of health-related social media channels and the role of modern media in health-oriented lifestyle with 1% error percentage and 99% confidence.
3) There is a significant relationship between the coverage of new media in the field of health and the role of new media in health-oriented lifestyle with 1% error percentage and 99% confidence.
4) There is a significant relationship between the coverage of modern media in terms of physical health and the role of modern media in health-oriented lifestyle with 1% error percentage and 99% confidence percentage.
5) There is a significant relationship between the coverage of new media in the aspect of mental health and the role of new media in health-oriented lifestyle with 1% error percentage and 99% confidence percentage.
6) There is no significant relationship between new media coverage of social health and the role of new media in health-oriented lifestyle with 5% margin of error and 95% confidence.
7) There is no significant relationship between the coverage of new media in the dimension of spiritual health and the role of new media in the health-oriented lifestyle with a 1% margin of error and 95% confidence.
In this research, the role of modern media in the physical, mental, spiritual, and social aspects of the health of users of modern media was evaluated and the results showed that in the field of exploitation, the use of media such as digital television, information sites, satellites, digital books, Newspapers and magazines, digital radio, have been evaluated at different levels and the most emphasis has been on the use of media such as satellites, digital books, newspapers and magazines. Also, according to the respondents, the greatest amount of role-playing of modern media in the health-oriented lifestyle of the respondents is related to the physical health dimension and the lowest amount is related to the social dimension.


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