Document Type : Research Paper


1 MSc. in IT management, Department of Management, Faculty of Social Sciences and Economics, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant professor, Department of Management, Faculty of Social Sciences and Economics, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran

3 PhD student of marketing management, Department of Management, Faculty of Social Sciences and Economics, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran


Given today's world which is the age of information and communication, we can not ignore the role of social media in the transmission of information and the development of various types of communication. The most important and main element of a social media is its content and one of the features that a content must have in order to engage the user is "emotion”. The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of content features on content engagement (customer engagement) with the role of emotion as a mediator in social media platform (Instagram). The target audience is the Big Bang page followers (Scientific page about Astronomy) on Instagram, who number 795K and the number of samples taken according to Morgan's table was 384. Questionnaire was used to collect data. Data analysis was done with PLS software. The results showed that the content features that include the three dimensions of originality, hedonism and quality have an effect on content engagement that includes likes and comments. Also, the results showed that all three dimensions of originality, hedonism and quality have an effect on emotion. The effect of the emotion variable, which includes the three dimensions of pleasure, arousal and mastery, was also confirmed on content engagement. According to the results of this research, companies need to pay attention to social media platforms to succeed in their business. In fact, organizations should produce useful, entertaining and enjoyable content to engage their customers with their brand as much as possible and make them more loyal.
In the current digital age, where the era of information and communication reigns supreme, the pivotal role of social media in disseminating information and expanding various forms of communication in our daily lives cannot be overlooked. Additionally, businesses, regardless of size, rely on social media as an essential tool to broaden their reach and fortify the bond with their customers. Social media platforms have become an indispensable medium through which organizations can engage, connect, and share valuable content with their target audience, ultimately driving growth and success in today's digitally interconnected world. Content plays a pivotal role in social media, and companies must prioritize producing engaging content to attract and retain users. Research has demonstrated that user-generated content tends to be more effective in evoking emotions that encourage participation and interaction among customers, outperforming content created by the organization itself. This underlines the importance of fostering user-generated content as a strategy for building a strong online presence, cultivating a sense of community, and driving engagement on social media platforms.
Emotion serves as a critical variable in the equation of user engagement on social media platforms. While previous studies have highlighted the essential features for sparking user engagement, the role of emotion has often been overlooked. By delving into this overlooked aspect, businesses can gain a more nuanced understanding of the factors influencing user participation and interaction. By incorporating emotional elements into their content, organizations can cultivate a deeper connection with their audience and foster a more compelling engagement experience. The importance of considering emotion as a mediating variable in influencing user engagement cannot be overstated. The customers' or users' emotional response to content plays a pivotal role in determining their engagement level. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the impact of content features on customer engagement through the lens of emotion as a mediator, with a specific focus on the social media platform Instagram.
Materials and Methods
For this study, the target population consisted of the followers of an Instagram page dedicated to cosmology and astronomy, based in Tehran. The page earns revenue through advertising. Considering the high number of community members (followers of the examined Instagram page), the sample size was set at 384 individuals based on the unlimited population principle. This breakdown yielded 190 female participants and 194 male participants. To gather data on the content features studied in this research, a questionnaire was administered. The survey was composed of three dimensions of content features, which included originality (questions 1-5), hedonism (questions 6-9), and quality (questions 10-12). These dimensions were derived from the works of Moldovan et al., Nambisan et al., and Huong Duong et al. It is worth noting that simple random sampling was used as the sampling method in this study. To assess the relationship between content features and customer engagement, the study utilized several variables, including likes and comments. For validating the measurement tool, confirmatory factor analysis was used, while the path analysis method was employed to test the hypotheses. Additionally, the Structural Equation Technique was applied using PLS software. Moreover, the emotion variable, consisting of pleasure, arousal, and mastery dimensions, was measured using questions taken from the article by Mazaheri et al.
Discussion and Results
The findings of the study indicate that content features, specifically originality, hedonism, and quality, significantly influence customer engagement, as measured by liking and commenting. Moreover, all three dimensions of originality, hedonism, and quality have been found to affect emotion. Additionally, the results confirm that the emotion variable, encompassing pleasure, arousal, and mastery, has a notable impact on content engagement.
Indeed, based on the study's results, it is evident that companies and brands must focus their attention on the specific social media platform discussed in the research in order to attain business success. Organizations must strive to produce valuable, entertaining, and engaging content to effectively engage their customers and cultivate loyalty. By doing so, businesses can strengthen their brand image and foster lasting relationships with their target audience. To maximize customer engagement on Instagram pages, it is imperative that they exhibit high visual appeal, feature meaningful videos and photos that are relevant to the content theme, and demonstrate the value of the page's content. In this study, a thorough discussion has been provided on the different types of content features and their impact on customer engagement on Instagram. While this study provides valuable insights into the content features and user engagement specific to Instagram, it is important to note that the findings may not be applicable to other social networks such as Twitter and Facebook. Future studies should be conducted to explore the nuances of user engagement on different social networks.


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