Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D candidate of Social Communication Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, Tehran North Branch, Islamic Azad University of Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Social Communication Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, Tehran North Branch, Islamic Azad University of Tehran, Iran

3 Full Professor of the Department of Communication Sciences and Head of the Faculty of Communication, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran

4 Full Professor of the Department of Communication Sciences, Faculty of Communication, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran



Digital health is the use of digital technologies to improve communication and health management of individuals and society. The purpose of this article is to identify the elements and components of digital health in the comprehensive health communication system in Iran with the aim of improving health. In this research, SWAT or elite method is used. Sampling has also been done in a targeted non-probability way from among the elites in the field of health and communication sciences. The averages obtained from each environment show that the virtual training of health programs using new communication technologies in the digital platform and the establishment of electronic health records are among the strengths of the health system. The field of digital health and poor information in the discussion of raising awareness of health programs based on digital, insufficient attention to the features and the wide range of audiences, has caused many weaknesses in this field, and the lack of monitoring of the platform of social networks and the low e-health literacy of users has caused Threats have been made in this context. The results showed that the growth of information and communication technology in the field of medicine and health, the communication between doctors and users in social networks, the existence of self-care applications and health education in the Internet space are among the opportunities of the health system, which should include education, policy formulation with a comprehensive and coordinated approach. It is appropriate to create strong infrastructure and interdepartmental cooperation for the successful implementation of digital health in the comprehensive system of health communication and dealing with threats.

Keywords: digital health, health communication, new media


The state of digital health in Iran's health system has experienced significant changes and improvements in the last few years. ; But despite these advances, there are many problems and challenges in the way of interaction and communication between different elements in the field of digital health in the country, so the authors are trying to answer the basic question of what are the elements and components of digital health in the comprehensive health communication system. By knowing the factors affecting it, he compensated for the gaps and deficiencies in this field and achieved a favorable situation from the existing situation. Therefore, in the upcoming research, we are trying to find out the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the transition from the current situation to the desired situation by obtaining the views of the elites and experts in this field while gaining knowledge about the state of digital health in the comprehensive health communication system in Iran.


Saima Pervez (2022) This research examines the role of different communication channels and different media with the aim of creating behavioral changes in order to improve health and healthcare and improve access. Such communication is based on inquiry, which begins with identifying the problem, investigating the problem, and helping it. Improving the quality of the approach to dealing with the problem involves analyzing different models and techniques of communication, especially digital. Communication media is an interdisciplinary strength that It includes making changes in the field of health.

Theoretical framework

Theories and models contribute to a better understanding of the dynamics and challenges in the field of digital health and health communication. The conceptual framework of this research is based on the theory of diffusion of innovation. This theory belongs to Everett M. Rogers a well-known researcher in the field of communication. In his book "Diffusion of Innovations", Rogers put forward the hypothesis that "the diffusion of a new technology, in its own way, He considers four elements to be effective in the acceptance of a new technology among the people. According to Rogers, the characteristics of that innovation are possessed by him Five features include comparative advantage, compatibility, complexity, testability and visibility.


The main goal of this research is to know the elements and components of digital health in the comprehensive health communication system in Iran, and to achieve it, we need to identify the sub-goals including: knowing the internal environment and secondly knowing the external environment in terms of using digital health in the comprehensive health communication system. .

The main research question: What are the most important elements and components of digital health in the comprehensive health communication system?

Sub-questions: Internal environment (strengths, weaknesses), external environment (opportunities and threats) What is the status of digital health in the comprehensive health communication system from the point of view of experts?

In this research, the elite research method or SWAT as a method of evaluating internal and external factors is the basis of the research, and the distance technique is used to evaluate the gap between the current situation and the desired situation.

The statistical population of this research includes experts in the field of communication and experts in the field of health.

Estimating the sample size: Based on the score given to the people based on the score to the norm or z under the normal distribution curve, the sample size is calculated.

The sampling method in this research was purposeful improbability. In other words, people who have been familiar with the field of health communication have been examined. 40 people have answered the questions of this research through a researcher-made questionnaire to design a questionnaire of items based on the Likert spectrum and according to their importance as a situation. A score between 1 and 5 was assigned to them.


According to the completed questionnaires in the research field, after extracting the information, processing and data collection based on the research method used, the findings were examined.

According to the results of the respondents, the averages obtained from each environment show that in the internal environment there are more strengths and challenges are aimed at eliminating the weaknesses in this field. In the external environment, the opportunities are focused on the existing threats.


The results showed that in the evaluation of the internal environment, the items with the highest average strength are: the presence of the health network and health radio in the national media, the development of virtual training, the launch of the electronic health record system and online treatment centered on the referral system and the family doctor, and for the weaknesses, there is no written strategy In the field of health communication, there is a weakness in intra-, inter- and trans-sectoral communication and cooperation in the health system, insufficient attention to the characteristics and wide scope of the audience in the design of health messages and appropriate communication technologies, the inability to respond to the needs of patients due to disruptions in the infrastructure. and communication networks for electronic prescribing respectively have received the most points from the elites. In the evaluation of the factors of the external environment (opportunities and threats), the items with the highest average opportunities and threats are: the existence of health information technology, the communication of doctors and users in social networks, the growth of information and communication technology in the field of medicine and health, the existence of self-care applications and receiving Health educational content and threats include: infodemia in the field of health in mass media and social networks


Main Subjects