Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Information Science and Epistemology, University of Zabol, Zabol, Iran.

3 MA in History and Philosophy of Education, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran.


The objective of this study was to ascertain insights into the experiences and perceptions of student teachers with regard to the use of social networks in learning content. The research method employed for this study was qualitative and phenomenological in nature, with the participant pool consisting of all student teachers pursuing the primary education specialty at Farhangian University of Birjand during the academic year 2021-2022. To gather insights for this study, semi-structured interviews were conducted with a total of 15 student teachers (7 males and 8 females) through purposive sampling. Data collection continued until theoretical saturation was achieved. The collected data were then analyzed using the content analysis method. To ensure reliability, the agreement between coders method was used, while expert review was applied to validate the study findings. The study revealed that the content of student-teacher learning in social media encompasses a range of material, including university-related topics such as discipline-based, skill-based and English language content, as well as school-related content covering teaching methods, classroom management and fundamental courses. Additionally, general information such as news, medical information, and technological advancements fall within the scope of this learning content. Another significant finding from the study indicated that student teachers do not have a positive perception of the content shared on social networks, with concerns about its reliability and validity. This includes aspects such as disproportionately unbalanced content and the presence of incomplete information. In light of these findings, the study suggests that Farhangian University consider providing credible, organized, and appropriate content for each field of study on social media platforms. This will aid in the development of student-teacher professions and foster a positive attitude towards the content offered on these platforms.
Extended Abstract:
The rapid growth and wide reach of the internet have paved the way for increased interaction and information exchange between students and teachers. Education, being a complex process, is influenced by multiple factors, and the role of social networks in the learning process cannot be overstated. Through collaboration with other teachers, instructors can access valuable information beyond official educational programs. The objective of this study is to explore the learning content for student teachers on social networks, as well as their perception of the validity and credibility of the information and resources shared on these platforms.
Materials and Methods
For the current study, a qualitative phenomenological research approach was adopted. The target population consisted of all student teachers in the field of primary education at Farhangian University in Birjand during the academic year 2021-2022. Using purposive sampling, semi-structured interviews were carried out with 15 participants from this population (7 males and 8 females) until theoretical saturation of the data was achieved. The selection criteria for the semi-structured interviews involved recruiting student teachers who actively used social networks, as this aligned with the research objectives. To analyze the collected data from the interviews, thematic analysis was employed. This process involved extracting basic themes (codes and key points of the text), organizing themes (themes generated from combining and summarizing the basic themes), and overarching themes. In order to ensure data reliability, the coder consensus method was utilized, while expert review was applied to validate the study's findings.
Discussion and Results
The findings of the study confirmed that the content of student teachers' learning on social networks incorporates three primary categories: university-related topics, school-related topics, and general information. Specifically, in terms of university-related content, there is a strong emphasis on developing practical skills, acquiring discipline-specific knowledge, and enhancing English language proficiency.
The importance of school-related content in the learning process was also highlighted by the study, as student teachers seek knowledge about innovative teaching techniques, classroom administration, and foundational topics for their future educational roles. Furthermore, the research also showed that student teachers frequently access information related to news, technological advancements, and health-related matters on social networks. However, the study revealed that student teachers tend to have a less favorable opinion of the content shared on social media platforms, attributing this to shortcomings in accuracy, reliability, and thoroughness.
Considering the substantial amount of time student teachers spend on social networks, both intentionally and inadvertently, it is crucial to provide appropriate content. Despite their usage, student teachers hold a negative perception of the content offered on these platforms. To address this issue, it is recommended that the content be formally and systematically presented through the official social media channels of Farhangian University.
Professors of Farhangian University are encouraged to utilize their official presence on social media actively and constructively, employing these platforms as a valuable resource to support their teaching endeavor and share content related to their educational modules. To foster practical application alongside theoretical knowledge, Farhangian University should establish and promote official learning channels and groups specifically catering to various educational departments. By doing so, student teachers will be introduced to innovative teaching strategies, classroom administration techniques, and discipline-related content.
To cultivate student teachers' trust in the content presented on social networking platforms, it is essential to ensure that materials and resources disseminated through the official communication channels of Farhangian University are reliably validated. In order to provide appropriate, authentic content, Farhangian University should establish specialized groups or channels for each field of study, thereby enabling student teachers to access content directly related to their respective areas of study.


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