Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD in Sports Management, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran

2 Professor, Department of Physical Education, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran


In the last few years, the use of the Internet has been predominantly the utilization of social media networks. A social media network is a digital platform that enables users to connect, share information and collaborate with each other. Social media applications, accessible through smartphones, have become increasingly prevalent and popular. All users with access to smart phones can become members of these social media networks, wherein they can share content and experience communication with other people. These social networks can be aptly described as software, programs, or services that are accessible through mobile devices and enable users to interact with others and share information. Users can exchange news and diverse content with others. Among the myriad social media platforms, Instagram's photo-and video-sharing functionality has gained immense popularity and attracted a significant user base. The continuous growth of Instagram, which relies solely on sending and sharing images and videos without textual descriptions, signifies the increasing appeal of visual social media and users' inclination towards such platforms. The present study sought to explore the lived experience of professional athletes on the Instagram social network. The research methodology was qualitative, employing the "grounded theory" methodology, pioneered by Clark and Brown. This approach is employed to identify, analyze, and report patterns (themes) in data (a number of interviews or a text) through a step-by-step process. The theme encapsulates the significant answer and meaning extrapolated from the data relative to the research question. In contrast to traditional qualitative approaches, this analysis is grounded in inductive reasoning, rather than relying on preestablished theories or frameworks. A theme encapsulates critical information and provides insight into the data and research questions. The theme offers a glimpse into the meaning and concept of the pattern of the data and, according to the researcher's analysis, hints at their understanding of the topic at hand. The theme also denotes a recurring and distinctive element of the text, representing a recurring and salient feature within the data that, in the researcher's opinion, reflects a certain level of comprehension and experience regarding the research question. While recognizing themes may vary from one researcher to another, there are some guiding principles that can be followed to identify significant themes. The theme has a repetitive component, meaning that a theme should appear more than once within the text to be considered a theme. Therefore, a concept or issue appearing only once cannot be regarded as a theme. The population of this study consisted of professional athletes who have been using the Instagram social network for more than two years and possess relevant lived experiences. Since the participants hold considerable experience in the arena of athletic competition, they have been qualified to participate in the study. The presence of sufficient lived experience is a pre-requisite for qualitative research and forms the basis of the selected sample. The researcher employed purposeful sampling and data acquisition until achieving data saturation. Two additional interviews were conducted to confirm data saturation and to confirm the researcher's confidence in the obtained results (7+2). A semi-structured interview was employed to acquire the data. The data were analyzed using thematic analysis, an inductive approach, per which the analysis continued until the most vital themes were extracted. Following the steps of theme integration, consolidation, and elimination, the researcher selected the primary themes, which were deemed to be most suitable for this research and likely to yield fruitful outcomes. The researcher chose themes which offered a greater potential for significant findings in the study. The findings revealed three principal themes: "Liking and Commenting," "Following," and "Gaining Fans." The analysis shows that social media provides athletes with a novel, personal, and unfiltered method of communication, allowing them to convey messages without the intermediation of public relations personnel or journalists. Previously, athletes relied on traditional channels such as televised interviews, newspaper and magazine articles, and statements released through public relations representatives. Athletes can now engage with their fans through a direct and deeply personal communication channel. Additionally, novel social media platforms, including Instagram, have expedited interactions between athletes and sports enthusiasts. These social networks have become breeding grounds for voicing opinions and seeking advice, providing a valuable source of knowledge and expertise for budding athletes. To facilitate the analysis of the interview data, the researcher leveraged qualitative data classification and coding software, NVivo version 10, to manage and categorize the voluminous data. Considering that the substantial volume of data is a salient characteristic of qualitative studies, the researcher opted to use specialized software to organize and categorize the data efficiently.


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