Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Student in Curriculum Planning Studies, Islamshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Islamshahr, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Islamshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Islamshahr,Iran.

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Islamshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Islamshahr, Iran.

4 Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Islamshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Islamshahr, Iran

5 Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Management, West Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.


Today, the rapid development of information and communication technologies and the impact of globalization necessitate the use of information technology-related mechanisms by individuals and organizations to stay ahead and gain a competitive advantage. With the expansion of these technologies, it has become crucial for all people and organizations to adapt and integrate them into their processes and operations to remain relevant and continue to progress in the globalized world. The study aimed to devise a curriculum model for enhancing students' professional skills through virtual social networks. The employed research method was exploratory and relied on foundational data. The participants in the present study included all curriculum experts and specialists related to the research project, who were selected using a purposive sampling method. The number of participants was considered to be 13 people based on theoretical saturation. The research tool used in the study was semi-structured interviews with experts. Data analysis encompassed theoretical coding. To validate the proposed model, the Delphi method was employed. The research findings revealed that the desired curriculum consisted of 14 dimensions, such as logic, goals, content, teaching-learning strategies, learning activities of learners, materials and resources, grouping of learners, time, space, evaluation methods, and professional qualifications. The identified facilitating and hindering factors were professors and excellence, respectively. The final curriculum model designed for the development of students' professional skills using virtual social networks was found to be valid from both the experts' and users' perspectives.
Extended Abstract:
Today, the emergence of new information and communication technologies has fundamentally transformed the educational landscape. Education has evolved to become increasingly virtual, placing a greater responsibility on those involved in planning and formulating educational curricula. In the current digital age, social networks hold immense popularity among internet users worldwide, including in Iran. They represent the most powerful form of online media globally. Recognizing this reality, educators must adapt their curricula accordingly, incorporating virtual elements and programs to effectively engage and educate students.
The abundance and diversity of content, coupled with numerous software capabilities and internet functionalities, have led to the widespread adoption of social networks by users (Sadeghi Nesab et al., 1400). The most effective way to utilize social networks in an academic setting is to integrate them into the curriculum and leverage them to develop students' professional skills. This approach is particularly crucial in the context of a country's higher education system, as it plays a pivotal role in preparing students to take on current and future professional roles, or in other words, in developing their skills as influential individuals and contributors to the nation's industrial progress. Professional development refers to both formal and informal processes aimed at continuous skill enhancement at all levels of education, including colleges, educational institutions, and individuals. The goal is to equip students with the abilities necessary to meet their current professional needs, while also preparing them for future roles in various educational, research, and executive capacities. (Abbas Puro et al., 2014: 93).
Virtual social networks serve as a potent tool for designing a curriculum model and developing students' professional skills. The abundance of activities and interactions within these networks enable curriculum patterns to be formulated based on the requirements and demands of the industry and the job market, addressing the specific needs and emerging needs for skill development in various fields. Virtual social networks play a pivotal role in providing valuable information to students about job opportunities and professional positions. They help students connect with industry and businesses related to their field of study, fostering a dynamic environment for interaction and engagement. Furthermore, these networks facilitate communication between students and professors as well as professional artisans, contributing to the development of students' skills and the enhancement of their professional knowledge.
Students can benefit greatly from the wealth of information and resources available on social networks, using them to stay updated and gain a deeper understanding of industry changes and needs. This makes virtual social networks an effective tool for developing professional skills and enhancing university curricula (Zakiani, 2015:57).
Virtual learning through online platforms offers students access to a plethora of resources and learning content. This includes online courses, videos, electronic resources, and online educational communities, as well as the ability to communicate with teachers and peers in virtual space. In addition, students can share their experiences and knowledge through interactive tools, engage in exercises and group activities, and enhance their learning experience through online collaboration. This underscores the significant impact of information and communication technology on the learning process.
The primary objective of the current research project is to address the question of what curriculum model can be designed to effectively develop students' professional skills through the use of social networks.
The research method employed in this study was qualitative and exploratory in nature. The sample for the study consisted of 13 experts from the academic community and higher education specialists, who were selected using theoretical (or targeted) sampling. The process of gathering opinions continued until theoretical saturation was achieved. The research method employed in this study was qualitative and exploratory in nature. The sample for the study consisted of 13 experts from the academic community and higher education specialists, who were selected using theoretical (or targeted) sampling. The process of gathering opinions continued until theoretical saturation was achieved.
To assess the validity of the curriculum model developed in this study, the Delphi method was utilized in a two-stage process involving a group of 13 experts. It is worth mentioning that the final template was endorsed by 7 of these experts. For the interview questions, a panel of 12 experts provided feedback, which was subsequently incorporated into the items. Finally, Guba and Lincoln's (1982) method was adopted to ensure the study's credibility and validity.
The analysis of research data took place simultaneously with the collection of data from the review of theoretical literature and research background, as well as the interviews (given the significance of interviews in the contextualized approach). The analysis process was performed manually and divided into three separate steps. Following the data base theory approach, the analysis of gathered data entailed three distinct stages: open coding, central coding, and selective coding. Initially, in order to familiarize themselves with the data, the texts of all collected data were thoroughly reviewed multiple times in an active and interactive manner. The second step of the analysis process focused on the coding procedure, where codes were assigned to the data.
Primary codes directly related to the research question were recognized and extracted. Following this, data categorization occurred via decoding, after which, using axial coding, open coding-derived data were merged into common elements. This data categorization resulted in indicators being organized into distinct components. The final step involved applying selective coding based on the shared concepts among the components. This process led to the extraction and classification of the curriculum's dimensions into a total of 14 distinct categories.
Following the data analysis and validation of the research elements, a curriculum was ultimately designed for the development of students' professional skills through the utilization of virtual social networks. The curriculum design encompassed a series of structural elements, including the rationale and logic behind the program, the overarching goals and the pursuit of excellence, the content of the curriculum, the considerations of time and space, the activities and learning experiences for students, the teaching methodologies, the materials and resources necessary, the organization of students into groups, the evaluation methods, the professional qualifications and expertise of professors, the facilitating factors, and the potential interference factors.
The primary objective of this study was the design of a curriculum that would effectively develop students' professional skills through the use of virtual social networks. This involved identifying the key characteristics and components of the curriculum elements necessary to achieve this goal. Based on the findings of this study, the logic of the curriculum design model indicates why and the reason behind its development, taking into account the current needs and requirements of both society and students. The diminishment of face-to-face education serves as an indicator driving this necessity. Given the increasing emphasis on modern technologies, a learner-centered approach to education, and the necessity for curricula that adapt to students' needs in using contemporary facilities, it is crucial that these factors be taken into account when designing a curriculum. The cultivation of new ideas, communication and negotiation, teamwork, and participatory skills is encouraged and supported, providing a foundation for achieving these objectives.
In addressing the professional development of teachers in virtual education, it is necessary for teachers to integrate educational knowledge and content with technology utilization, and leverage technology as a method of communication and interaction. In the logic of the curriculum, the emphasis is on the active learning of students through the interpretation of experiences, engaging them in research activities, and encouraging them to make inferences from both spoken and listening materials. Moreover, technology usage, the presentation of content within the context of networks, and the facilitation of interaction between professors and virtual classrooms are recognized as crucial aspects of this program.
 The more active the student is in the learning process, the greater the depth and stability of their comprehension and retention. An effective learning experience relies on the engagement and proactive involvement of the student in the learning process. The grouping of students according to the development of interpersonal relationships and communication, as well as based on the common needs and interests of the students, is considered essential within this curriculum. By assembling groups based on the shared interests of the students, a sense of trust is created among the group members, which serves as the foundation for fostering creative interactions and strengthening the skills of students.
The research outcomes indicate that the utilization of virtual social networks allows students to access course content flexibly and share it in diverse formats. This feature enables students to transcend the bounds of time and space, thus facilitating the learning process. These virtual social networks possess the functionality to access and either receive or send course content. As noted by Siranjoy and Patnewala (2020), the ability to access information at any time and from anywhere, and having the flexibility to learn at one's own pace and convenience, significantly enhances the learning process. The learning space within a curriculum designed to develop students' professional skills through virtual social networks can encompass: collaborative and interactive spaces. In the ideal curriculum, an assortment of evaluation methods are emphasized within these environments. This approach not only fosters greater and deeper attention to diverse learning styles but also engages different senses of the learners, thereby increasing their overall level of engagement.
Another important consideration within this program is the emphasis placed on the suitability of the evaluation methods in accordance with the available technological facilities. Furthermore, the criteria for evaluation should change in accordance with the teaching methods employed, and a quality assessment system needs to be established. The desired curriculum should actively work towards building robust infrastructures, motivating both teachers and students to utilize these technologies effectively. Furthermore, efforts must be made to ensure a high level of support for educational professionals in order to monitor and meet the need for social networks. In accordance with the findings of the research and based on the results discussed so far, it can be recognized that the application of social networks in curriculum design, with the aim of developing students' professional skills, serves as an innovative solution. Furthermore, considering the content that has been mentioned, the utilization of virtual education is deemed crucial and necessary.


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