نوع مقاله : مقاله علمی پژوهشی


1 استادیار، دانشکده علوم ارتباطات، دانشگاه علامه طباطبائی

2 کارشناسی ارشد دانشگاه علامه طباطبائى


یکی از فناوری‌های نوظهوری که در دهه گذشته تأثیر زیادی بر سبک زندگی ما داشته است، فناوری بلاک‌چین نام دارد که امکان ایجاد انقلابی در نحوه تجارت و تعامل جامعه را فراهم می‌کند. بلاک‌چین یک پایگاه داده همتا به همتا‌ی توزیع شده است که امکان غیرمتمرکزکردن سیستم‌ها را فراهم، توزیع و ذخیره‌سازی داده‌ها و تراکنش‌ها را تضمین می‌کند. این فناوری پتانسیل زیادی برای توسعه در صنعت رسانه و سرگرمی دارد و می‌توان این صنعت را متحول کند. این تحولات مکانیسم تولید، تضمین محتوا، مدیریت حقوق دیجیتال تا بحث‌های سانسور و امینت کاربر را شامل می‌شود. مطالعات فعلی در مورد این موضوع هنوز در مراحل اولیه است. از جمله مزایایی که می‌توان برای بلاک‌چین توصیف کرد، ایجاد شفافیت، ایجاد بسترهای تسهیل‌سازی مالی، حذف واسطه‌ها، افزایش اعتماد و امنیت، تمرکززدایی و غیرقابل دست‌کاری‌بودن آن است. در این پژوهش، برای شناسایی کاربردهای بلاک‌چین در صنعت رسانه و سرگرمی با رویکرد آینده‌پژوهی از روش پویش محیط استفاده شد. در نتیجه با تحلیل مضامین بدست آمده، دوازده کاربرد بلاکچین در صنعت رسانه و سرگرمی شناسایی شد که شامل این موارد است: 1- مقابله با اخبار جعلی و شایعات؛ 2- حذف ربات‌های تبلیغاتی؛ 3- تضمین گردش آزاد اطلاعات؛ 4- مقابله با سرقت ادبی؛ 5- ارتقای امنیت کاربر؛ 6- تسهیل تأمین مالی جمعی؛ 7- حذف واسطه‌های صنعت رسانه؛ 8- امکان‌پذیری تبادل مالی بین‌المللی؛ 9- احراز هویت مخاطب؛ 10- تحقق ایده‌های متاورسی؛ 11- بستر ایجاد پلتفرم رسانه اجتماعی؛ 12- ارتقای وفاداری مخاطب از طریق توکن هواداری.



عنوان مقاله [English]

A Review of Selected Blockchain Applications in Media and Entertainment Industry: Futures Studies Approach

نویسندگان [English]

  • Mohammad Mahdi Mowlaei 1
  • Seddigheh Sakhaei 2

1 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Communication Sciences, Allameh Tabataba'i University

2 M.A. on Communication Science, Allameh Tabataba'i University

چکیده [English]


One of the emerging technologies that have had a great impact on our digital life in the last decade is called blockchain technology, which provides the possibility of creating a revolution in the way of business and social interaction. Blockchain is a distributed peer-to-peer database that provides the technology to decentralize systems, ensuring the distribution and storage of data and transactions. This technology has great potential for development in the media and entertainment industry and will bring transformation in this industry. These developments include production mechanisms, content assurance, digital rights management, and discussions of censorship and user security. Among the advantages that can be described for blockchain are transparency, financial facilitation platforms, elimination of middlemen, increased trust and security, decentralization and non-manipulation.


Using several methods, this research aims to study the future of blockchain in media and entertainment industry. In this research, some methods have been used to identify blockchain applications in the media and entertainment industry, and global studies and literature have been examined. Also, news in a certain period were analyzed.

To analyze the news, we first selected four of the popular websites in a targeted manner. Related news, have been searched in a three-year period (2019 to 2022). After an initial evaluation of the content of four websites, due to the existence of duplicate news and due to the existing restrictions in Iran for full access to the content of other selected websites, finally only Cointelegraph.com website was selected as a reference site. Related news was searched based on keywords in media and entertainment sections. The news that had technical and specialized topics were removed, and the rest of the news was subjected to content analysis. In this way, 320 news were examined for the keywords considered in the media and entertainment sections, which were selected by removing the technical and specialized news that were related to media topics and media sections, which includes 75 news. Then, thematic analysis was done on these media contents as well as related scientific articles and reports.


As a result, twelve applications were identified in the media and entertainment industry, which include: 1. Dealing with fake news and rumors; 2. Removing advertising robots; 3. Ensuring the free circulation of information; 4. Dealing with plagiarism; 5. Improving user security; 6. Facilitating crowdfunding; 7. Eliminating media industry intermediaries; 8. The possibility of international financial exchange; 9. Authentication of the audience; 10. Realization of metaverse ideas; 11. Platform for creating social media platform; 12. Improving the loyalty of the audience through the fan token.

The analysis of news articles reveals that combating fake news is currently the largest application of blockchain in the media and entertainment industry, surpassing other potential uses. Conversely, improving user security and international financial exchange have received the least attention, followed closely by authentication and facilitating crowdfunding. This suggests that the industry prioritizes truthfulness and credibility, but may be underutilizing blockchain's potential for secure financial transactions and authentication protocols. Further research is needed to explore these underdeveloped applications and optimize blockchain's capabilities in the media and entertainment sector.


Blockchain, as a new technology, has great potential to transform various fields, including the media and entertainment industry. Diffusion of innovation theory helps to further understand the subject and shows that new technologies are adopted by different groups of people at different stages. In the case of blockchain in the media and entertainment industry, early adopters may be content creators who want the potential for greater control over their work and increased revenue streams. As time goes on, more and more people will use blockchain-based platforms to create and distribute content in the future. Blockchain has the potential to revolutionize the media and entertainment industry by enabling greater collaboration between creators, distributors and audiences while reducing reliance on centralized intermediaries. As adoption increases over time, we may see new business models emerge. Models that provide better services to all stakeholders of this ecosystem.

The findings of the research, which are the applications of blockchain in the field of media and entertainment, can be placed in three groups from the point of view of realization in the present or future. First, identifying the applications that have been implemented in a practical and technical way. Second, identifying applications that are practically and technically in the experimental stage in the world and will probably expand more in the future. Thirdly, the applications that have not been tested practically and technically in the world and only researches have been done in this field. It is expected that these applications will be implemented first on a trial basis and then finally in the next ten years.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Blockchain
  • Media and Entertainment Industry
  • Network Society
  • Futures Studies
  • Environmental Scanning