Bahman Rabeie nia; Hussein Harsij
The universalization of the use of virtual social networks has caused important changes in lifestyles, habits and social relationships and the relationship between people and governments. Social movements, as one of the methods of conveying demands and communication between people and the government, ...
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The universalization of the use of virtual social networks has caused important changes in lifestyles, habits and social relationships and the relationship between people and governments. Social movements, as one of the methods of conveying demands and communication between people and the government, are strongly affected by these changes. In the last two decades, the mobilization function of social networks has shown a new face of social movements all over the world. The aim of the current research is to explain this effect in the social movements of Iran between 2018 and 2018. The method of this research is descriptive-analytical and collected information using library sources, documents and secondary data. The findings of the research show that the use of social networks has played an effective and central role in facilitating the mobilization of resources for social movements. The major incidents investigated in the mentioned time period show that regardless of the reasons for the existence of social movements, with the control or lack of access to social networks, bringing the supporters of the movement to the stage is hindered, and with the passage of time, these protest movements suffer erosion and weakness.
Mohamadjavad Afsharsafavi; Golnar Shojaeibaghini; Mohamadreza Rostami
The purpose of this study is to design a model of competitiveness of print media with social networks. This research is a mixed exploratory research in terms of development-applied purpose and in terms of research approach. First, through qualitative research method (grounded theory method), the required ...
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The purpose of this study is to design a model of competitiveness of print media with social networks. This research is a mixed exploratory research in terms of development-applied purpose and in terms of research approach. First, through qualitative research method (grounded theory method), the required information about developing a framework for competitiveness of written media with social networks was collected and its components and indicators were identified. In the qualitative stage, semi-structured interviews with subject experts were used to identify the concepts. The statistical population includes all experts of Khorasan newspaper in Mashhad. In this study, purposive sampling method (using experts in the field of media) was used to collect information and based on snowballs to access the required sample size. In the preliminary stage, 17 interviews were conducted in order to inform the experts. In a small part of the statistical population, including 2500 customers of Khorasan newspaper, it has an annual subscription. The sampling method was simple random that 333 people were selected as the sample according to Cochran's formula. A questionnaire was developed based on the components of the qualitative section. The method of data analysis in the quantitative part is the use of confirmatory factor analysis test and structural equations using LISREL software. The results showed that the seventy-five main categories in the form of six dimensions of the paradigm model in the form of causal conditions, the main category, ie efficient competitiveness for survival, strategy, Background, environmental intervention conditions and consequences were included.
Karim Nematiaghdam; Nasim Majidi; Aliasghar Keya
The purpose of this research is to investigate the role of modern media in the apparent changes in the Iranian society's culture, which research method was carried out without relying on popular theories and with the Grounded Theory (GT) method. In this method, after explaining ...
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The purpose of this research is to investigate the role of modern media in the apparent changes in the Iranian society's culture, which research method was carried out without relying on popular theories and with the Grounded Theory (GT) method. In this method, after explaining the elements and features of the message, the relationship between the elements of communication and the background and consequences (or effects) of the communication process can also be addressed in an inferential way. ) Online data culture based on the Likert scale and two methods of decoding by another researcher and member review method were used and analyzed based on the database theory with Glazerian approach. The findings of this research show that the Iranian society has become extroverted due to the expansion of social networks. And virtual social networks are so influential in the appearance of Iranians' lives that people look for superficial issues (such as the role of consumer culture in anthropology, ideological factors, rhetoric and impracticality of reforming consumption patterns, the use of self-made patterns to reform consumption, lack of media planning in promoting and recognizing patterns consumption, the influence of celebrities on mass media, especially Instagram, and the exchange of information by word of mouth) have accepted changes in the type and form of consumption culture day by day. And in conclusion, it is proposed to form an institution for prudent supervision in the space of virtual advertising. The results and findings of the research were such that the Iranian society has become extroverted due to the expansion of social networks. and virtual social networks in the apparent context of Iranian life, people looking for superficial issues, the role of consumer culture in people, as well as ideological factors, the sloganeering and impracticality of reforming consumption patterns, the use of self-made patterns to reform consumption, the media's lack of planning in promoting and recognizing consumption patterns, the influence of celebrities in social media, especially Instagram and exchanging information by word of mouth; It has caused changes in the type and form of consumption culture day by day. And it is obvious that reforming the process of social affairs in this field will not be possible apart from the guidance approach which is based on scientific and applied studies of needs assessment and adapting the current culture to the goals of human development. Research findings show that policymakers should consider consumer control over the information they are exposed to in social networks and Instagram.
The power of the media, both positive and negative, still dominates the representations of people and their concerns. Less time for celebrities, lower costs for product development or promotional products, more creative product ideas, and greater product acceptance were some of the benefits cited, and celebrity endorsement appears to be important when communicating marketing messages. And they have considerable credibility. This shows that it is essential for brands to use Instagram effectively when determining their target audience; They should pay attention to what kind of fame and notoriety can be most effective in attracting a specific target group.
The interviewers indicated that the lower-scale celebrity types were most influential, as these categories were perceived as more believable and relevant to users, especially with regard to purchasing decisions as the products and services they endorsed were more cost-effective for participants. Therefore, in choosing a celebrity, policy makers should focus more on a brand that customers can relate to.
Due to the change of governments, today's government focuses more on Iran's foreign policy and economy. An institution that is necessary to monitor Iranian culture in the country's media to hold this industry responsible for representing Islamic Iranian culture. Although radio and television stations are required to allocate a certain amount of broadcast time to Iranian content with Islamic culture, which is regulated by the Communications and Telecommunications Commission and most of the Iranian Broadcasting Corporation, the products that the most visited Instagram pages in the field of promoting consumer products are usually free of charge. They will support Iranian brand-making companies regarding Iranian consumer products.
As in other countries, young people in Iran care about their style, the only differences they have compared to others is the limitation in appearance and the absence of an organized system to work on consumer products. This system is mostly based on people and their interaction with other groups in the society. They are consumers, importers, personal designers and groups of creative young people who, inspired by global culture, create new trends to create domestic trends that will be more applicable in Iran's situation. Diversity in the age and social position of people and differences in their views lead to diversity in their tastes and classify them in different stages of accepting new trends, and different people in different stages of acceptance follow the same process of accepting innovations, but according to their local conditions. These conditions have caused integration and some changes in the stages of product diversification and its consumption among Iranians. Some people try to choose products and consume them by imitating others in order to achieve social status without paying special attention to their social position. The system offers a variety of products and needs to meet the emerging needs of larger groups of consumers who are mostly young and interested in new products, but our limitations
Keywords: culture, virtual networks, Instagram, consumer goods
alireza abdollahinejad; زهرا mohajeriamiri
Teenagers, as a dynamic and active generation who are supposed to build the future of the country, form many of their actions and behaviors in the context of virtual social networks and beyond communication in the real life environment. As a generation that was born with technology and grew up in a society ...
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Teenagers, as a dynamic and active generation who are supposed to build the future of the country, form many of their actions and behaviors in the context of virtual social networks and beyond communication in the real life environment. As a generation that was born with technology and grew up in a society based on communication technologies and transferred an important part of their real life behavior and actions to the virtual world, they are now more than ever influenced by technology and Marshall McLuhan's words are involved in technological determinism.
In the meantime, in social life and communication based on technology, a major part of the life of the teenage generation is formed and continues in the school environment and interaction with new communication tools, possibilities and places, especially social media. Teenagers, who constitute a large population of the so-called Z generation or the electronic generation, choose and use the new social media as an important source of information and a tool for interaction and communication among their friends, along with their peers. For this generation, electronic devices, which were once a luxury for their parents, are always considered as a basic necessity to live in the modern world. They are the first generation for whom the extraordinary technological advances of the 20th century are just a normal part of life.
In recent years, the use of virtual social networks has grown significantly, especially among teenagers and high school students. However, little is known about the extent, purpose, and manner in which students use new media in Iran, and more specifically, whether these new media tools help or harm their academic achievement. .
Therefore, with the aim of studying the extent, scope and contexts of using new media platforms among Iranian teenagers, the main problem of the current research is how teenage high school students in Tehran use social media to promote educational activities and They use their lessons and communicating with peers and academic groups in doing things related to school, following up on curricular topics and the like.
In other words, this research tries to study the goals of educational use of social media by high school students in Tehran and check whether variables such as gender, the amount of time spent on social media, and the use of social networks have a significant relationship with the activity. Does it have educational and learning opportunities for students or not?
The aim of the present research is to study the impact of new media platforms on the educational process of generation Z teenage students in the first and second secondary levels of high schools in Tehran using a survey method. The data in this research was collected by using a researcher-made questionnaire and distributing it among a valid sample size of 450 students in eight girls' and boys' high schools in Tehran. The analysis of the findings shows that more than 66.9% of the male and female students participating in the research spend more than 2 hours a day on new social media for various activities from entertainment to communicating with friends and classmates. and follow up on matters related to their school and education.
Conducting various statistical tests, including K-Square and two-way variance, showed that the independent variable is the amount of students' presence in virtual social platforms in four of the total cases related to teaching and learning, including getting help from the teacher, getting rid of the stress of lessons and exams, Access to educational and educational content in the context of virtual social networks and disrupting studying due to presence in new media platforms has been effective, and the independent variable of gender has played an effective role only in the component of using social media for collaborative learning. Is.
The findings show: the variable of students' presence in virtual social platforms has a significant relationship; In other words, the more students participate in new media platforms, the more "disruption in studying" and "relief from the stress of lessons and exams" (direct relationship). Also, the presence of most of the studied students on social media does not necessarily mean more and wider access to the educational content and getting help from the teacher in this context.
social media. Education. learning Generation Z Youth. High school students. Tehran.
Baharak Mahmoudi
Virtual space as a new platform for communication between the present and the absent, and even the absent with the absent, has created opportunities to expand the field of criticism and opinion, which has elevated the communication needs of today's human beings and expanded the possibility of exposure ...
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Virtual space as a new platform for communication between the present and the absent, and even the absent with the absent, has created opportunities to expand the field of criticism and opinion, which has elevated the communication needs of today's human beings and expanded the possibility of exposure of the communication parties.
Among the common social networks in Iran today, Instagram is still very important; Because by focusing on photos or videos sent by users, which can be accompanied by explanations, it has become a medium that organizes a huge part of users' awareness and understanding of each other or the celebrities present in that space.
Before the emergence of virtual space and social networks, the relationship between teacher and student was subject to confrontations and difficult and inflexible ideas; In this way, except for the face-to-face and brief contact of the student with the teacher, who was far away from him in terms of knowledge and social status, there was no referenceable basis to complete the students' mental image of the teachers. Over time, with the rise and spread of social networks, this distant relationship turned into a closer and more visible relationship, during which the master exposed parts of his daily life and the objective aspects of his lifestyle to the public, and at its request, The students and other members of the virtual pages of these professors also find a rich and available opportunity to complete their information from them.
This is how it seems that the (active) presence of professors in social networks has provided users with a different and more attainable image than what was available before by revealing and clarifying their lives and mentalities; Transparency, which, although it can be the essence and logic of this space, will undoubtedly challenge the traditional and unattainable position of a professor.
What is intended in this research is to study how and classify the different forms of presence of university professors on Instagram and to understand the patterns through which they display aspects of their lives. Therefore, the question is, how do faculty members of Iranian universities in different disciplines portray "themselves" and their lives on Instagram?
Therefore, how is the position of professor implemented and how can different forms of professors' presence in this social network be classified? Also, by studying these pages and classifying them, is it possible to find a difference in the way faculty members implement their identity in different educational fields, including technical, experimental, and humanities, and describe this difference?
The purpose of writing this article is to study and classify different forms of presence of university professors on Instagram. A platform that allows its users, including university professors, to showcase themselves and their lives. Images that can challenge the authority and function of hierarchy existing in the relationship between professor and student and give it a different atmosphere. This study, which started with an exploratory approach in the first step, was completed with the digital ethnographic method.
Now the question is, how do the faculty members of Iranian universities in different fields depict "themselves" and their lives on Instagram? Therefore, how is the position of a professor implemented and how can different forms of professors' presence in this social network be classified? Another thing is, by studying these pages and classifying them, is it possible to understand the difference in the implementation of the identity of faculty members in different educational fields, including technical, experimental, and humanities, and describe this difference?
This is how it seems that the (active) presence of professors in social networks has given users a different and more attainable image than what was available before by revealing and clarifying their lives and mentalities. Transparency, which can be the essence and logic of this space, but will undoubtedly challenge the traditional and unattainable position of a professor.
After studying twenty user accounts in three fields of humanities, art and technical engineering, it was concluded that the presence of university professors on Instagram can be seen with four identities: academic, occasion, everyday and reactive. The data of this research shows that the mechanism of Instagram and the rules of presence in it, by removing the information veil between professors and their followers, leads to the normalization of the professor's identity and the disappearance of their traditional holy aura in this space.
Mohammad Mahdi Mowlaei; Seddigheh Sakhaei
IntroductionOne of the emerging technologies that have had a great impact on our digital life in the last decade is called blockchain technology, which provides the possibility of creating a revolution in the way of business and social interaction. Blockchain is a distributed peer-to-peer database that ...
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IntroductionOne of the emerging technologies that have had a great impact on our digital life in the last decade is called blockchain technology, which provides the possibility of creating a revolution in the way of business and social interaction. Blockchain is a distributed peer-to-peer database that provides the technology to decentralize systems, ensuring the distribution and storage of data and transactions. This technology has great potential for development in the media and entertainment industry and will bring transformation in this industry. These developments include production mechanisms, content assurance, digital rights management, and discussions of censorship and user security. Among the advantages that can be described for blockchain are transparency, financial facilitation platforms, elimination of middlemen, increased trust and security, decentralization and non-manipulation.MethodologyUsing several methods, this research aims to study the future of blockchain in media and entertainment industry. In this research, some methods have been used to identify blockchain applications in the media and entertainment industry, and global studies and literature have been examined. Also, news in a certain period were analyzed.To analyze the news, we first selected four of the popular websites in a targeted manner. Related news, have been searched in a three-year period (2019 to 2022). After an initial evaluation of the content of four websites, due to the existence of duplicate news and due to the existing restrictions in Iran for full access to the content of other selected websites, finally only website was selected as a reference site. Related news was searched based on keywords in media and entertainment sections. The news that had technical and specialized topics were removed, and the rest of the news was subjected to content analysis. In this way, 320 news were examined for the keywords considered in the media and entertainment sections, which were selected by removing the technical and specialized news that were related to media topics and media sections, which includes 75 news. Then, thematic analysis was done on these media contents as well as related scientific articles and reports.ResultsAs a result, twelve applications were identified in the media and entertainment industry, which include: 1. Dealing with fake news and rumors; 2. Removing advertising robots; 3. Ensuring the free circulation of information; 4. Dealing with plagiarism; 5. Improving user security; 6. Facilitating crowdfunding; 7. Eliminating media industry intermediaries; 8. The possibility of international financial exchange; 9. Authentication of the audience; 10. Realization of metaverse ideas; 11. Platform for creating social media platform; 12. Improving the loyalty of the audience through the fan token.The analysis of news articles reveals that combating fake news is currently the largest application of blockchain in the media and entertainment industry, surpassing other potential uses. Conversely, improving user security and international financial exchange have received the least attention, followed closely by authentication and facilitating crowdfunding. This suggests that the industry prioritizes truthfulness and credibility, but may be underutilizing blockchain's potential for secure financial transactions and authentication protocols. Further research is needed to explore these underdeveloped applications and optimize blockchain's capabilities in the media and entertainment sector.ConclusionBlockchain, as a new technology, has great potential to transform various fields, including the media and entertainment industry. Diffusion of innovation theory helps to further understand the subject and shows that new technologies are adopted by different groups of people at different stages. In the case of blockchain in the media and entertainment industry, early adopters may be content creators who want the potential for greater control over their work and increased revenue streams. As time goes on, more and more people will use blockchain-based platforms to create and distribute content in the future. Blockchain has the potential to revolutionize the media and entertainment industry by enabling greater collaboration between creators, distributors and audiences while reducing reliance on centralized intermediaries. As adoption increases over time, we may see new business models emerge. Models that provide better services to all stakeholders of this ecosystem.The findings of the research, which are the applications of blockchain in the field of media and entertainment, can be placed in three groups from the point of view of realization in the present or future. First, identifying the applications that have been implemented in a practical and technical way. Second, identifying applications that are practically and technically in the experimental stage in the world and will probably expand more in the future. Thirdly, the applications that have not been tested practically and technically in the world and only researches have been done in this field. It is expected that these applications will be implemented first on a trial basis and then finally in the next ten years.
farzaneh koohi; seyedali rahmanzadeh; Ali Asghar Kia; seyedreza naghibulsadat
Digital health is the use of digital technologies to improve communication and health management of individuals and society. The purpose of this article is to identify the elements and components of digital health in the comprehensive health communication system in Iran with the aim of improving ...
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Digital health is the use of digital technologies to improve communication and health management of individuals and society. The purpose of this article is to identify the elements and components of digital health in the comprehensive health communication system in Iran with the aim of improving health. In this research, SWAT or elite method is used. Sampling has also been done in a targeted non-probability way from among the elites in the field of health and communication sciences. The averages obtained from each environment show that the virtual training of health programs using new communication technologies in the digital platform and the establishment of electronic health records are among the strengths of the health system. The field of digital health and poor information in the discussion of raising awareness of health programs based on digital, insufficient attention to the features and the wide range of audiences, has caused many weaknesses in this field, and the lack of monitoring of the platform of social networks and the low e-health literacy of users has caused Threats have been made in this context. The results showed that the growth of information and communication technology in the field of medicine and health, the communication between doctors and users in social networks, the existence of self-care applications and health education in the Internet space are among the opportunities of the health system, which should include education, policy formulation with a comprehensive and coordinated approach. It is appropriate to create strong infrastructure and interdepartmental cooperation for the successful implementation of digital health in the comprehensive system of health communication and dealing with threats.
Keywords: digital health, health communication, new media
The state of digital health in Iran's health system has experienced significant changes and improvements in the last few years. ; But despite these advances, there are many problems and challenges in the way of interaction and communication between different elements in the field of digital health in the country, so the authors are trying to answer the basic question of what are the elements and components of digital health in the comprehensive health communication system. By knowing the factors affecting it, he compensated for the gaps and deficiencies in this field and achieved a favorable situation from the existing situation. Therefore, in the upcoming research, we are trying to find out the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the transition from the current situation to the desired situation by obtaining the views of the elites and experts in this field while gaining knowledge about the state of digital health in the comprehensive health communication system in Iran.
Saima Pervez (2022) This research examines the role of different communication channels and different media with the aim of creating behavioral changes in order to improve health and healthcare and improve access. Such communication is based on inquiry, which begins with identifying the problem, investigating the problem, and helping it. Improving the quality of the approach to dealing with the problem involves analyzing different models and techniques of communication, especially digital. Communication media is an interdisciplinary strength that It includes making changes in the field of health.
Theoretical framework
Theories and models contribute to a better understanding of the dynamics and challenges in the field of digital health and health communication. The conceptual framework of this research is based on the theory of diffusion of innovation. This theory belongs to Everett M. Rogers a well-known researcher in the field of communication. In his book "Diffusion of Innovations", Rogers put forward the hypothesis that "the diffusion of a new technology, in its own way, He considers four elements to be effective in the acceptance of a new technology among the people. According to Rogers, the characteristics of that innovation are possessed by him Five features include comparative advantage, compatibility, complexity, testability and visibility.
The main goal of this research is to know the elements and components of digital health in the comprehensive health communication system in Iran, and to achieve it, we need to identify the sub-goals including: knowing the internal environment and secondly knowing the external environment in terms of using digital health in the comprehensive health communication system. .
The main research question: What are the most important elements and components of digital health in the comprehensive health communication system?
Sub-questions: Internal environment (strengths, weaknesses), external environment (opportunities and threats) What is the status of digital health in the comprehensive health communication system from the point of view of experts?
In this research, the elite research method or SWAT as a method of evaluating internal and external factors is the basis of the research, and the distance technique is used to evaluate the gap between the current situation and the desired situation.
The statistical population of this research includes experts in the field of communication and experts in the field of health.
Estimating the sample size: Based on the score given to the people based on the score to the norm or z under the normal distribution curve, the sample size is calculated.
The sampling method in this research was purposeful improbability. In other words, people who have been familiar with the field of health communication have been examined. 40 people have answered the questions of this research through a researcher-made questionnaire to design a questionnaire of items based on the Likert spectrum and according to their importance as a situation. A score between 1 and 5 was assigned to them.
According to the completed questionnaires in the research field, after extracting the information, processing and data collection based on the research method used, the findings were examined.
According to the results of the respondents, the averages obtained from each environment show that in the internal environment there are more strengths and challenges are aimed at eliminating the weaknesses in this field. In the external environment, the opportunities are focused on the existing threats.
The results showed that in the evaluation of the internal environment, the items with the highest average strength are: the presence of the health network and health radio in the national media, the development of virtual training, the launch of the electronic health record system and online treatment centered on the referral system and the family doctor, and for the weaknesses, there is no written strategy In the field of health communication, there is a weakness in intra-, inter- and trans-sectoral communication and cooperation in the health system, insufficient attention to the characteristics and wide scope of the audience in the design of health messages and appropriate communication technologies, the inability to respond to the needs of patients due to disruptions in the infrastructure. and communication networks for electronic prescribing respectively have received the most points from the elites. In the evaluation of the factors of the external environment (opportunities and threats), the items with the highest average opportunities and threats are: the existence of health information technology, the communication of doctors and users in social networks, the growth of information and communication technology in the field of medicine and health, the existence of self-care applications and receiving Health educational content and threats include: infodemia in the field of health in mass media and social networks
abbas asadi; rayehe ramezani; saman khodayari; shadi khodayari
In the initial stages of the beginning of the corona virus crisis and even later, experts and scientists were not able to answer all the questions that society expected. At the same time, the uncertainty and the need to receive information was very high, and this caused the creation of an information ...
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In the initial stages of the beginning of the corona virus crisis and even later, experts and scientists were not able to answer all the questions that society expected. At the same time, the uncertainty and the need to receive information was very high, and this caused the creation of an information chat and allowed different sources of knowledge to enter this field. The crisis cannot be overcome without benefiting from communications. Crisis communication is the power and narrative of the resilience of social man against threats and wings leading to liberation from collective life. Corona virus and the effects of its spread created the biggest health and life crisis for mankind. Based on this, the main goal of the current research is to identify the hidden themes of fake news published during the Corona outbreak. The phenomenon called "infodemic" has been investigated in the telegram channel of the Islamic Republic of Iran News Agency (IRNA) with a qualitative method and thematic analysis approach. Researchers have coded and analyzed data with this method. With this approach, hidden meanings in the data set were identified and introduced. finally, it was found that the six main themes of the research, including the announcement of the end of the corona epidemic, the prevalence of traditional medicine, the side effects of vaccination, the infection of celebrities and famous people with the corona virus, the foods that destroy the corona virus and the economic issues of the corona virus are of interest to this media. Also, "Corona prevention, infection and end" was identified and analyzed as the main overarching theme.
In the initial stages of the beginning of the corona virus crisis and even later, experts and scientists were not able to answer all the questions that society expected. At the same time, the uncertainty and the need to receive information was very high, and this caused the creation of an information chat and allowed different sources of knowledge to enter this field. The crisis cannot be overcome without benefiting from communications. Crisis communication is the power and narrative of the resilience of social man against threats and wings leading to liberation from collective life. Corona virus and the effects of its spread created the biggest health and life crisis for mankind. Based on this, the main goal of the current research is to identify the hidden themes of fake news published during the Corona outbreak. The phenomenon called "infodemic" has been investigated in the telegram channel of the Islamic Republic of Iran News Agency (IRNA) with a qualitative method and thematic analysis approach. Researchers have coded and analyzed data with this method. With this approach, hidden meanings in the data set were identified and introduced. finally, it was found that the six main themes of the research, including the announcement of the end of the corona epidemic, the prevalence of traditional medicine, the side effects of vaccination, the infection of celebrities and famous people with the corona virus, the foods that destroy the corona virus and the economic issues of the corona virus are of interest to this media. Also, "Corona prevention, infection and end" was identified and analyzed as the main overarching theme.
In the initial stages of the beginning of the corona virus crisis and even later, experts and scientists were not able to answer all the questions that society expected. At the same time, the uncertainty and the need to receive information was very high, and this caused the creation of an information chat and allowed different sources of knowledge to enter this field. The crisis cannot be overcome without benefiting from communications. Crisis communication is the power and narrative of the resilience of social man against threats and wings leading to liberation from collective life. Corona virus and the effects of its spread created the biggest health and life crisis for mankind. Based on this, the main goal of the current research is to identify the hidden themes of fake news published during the Corona outbreak. The phenomenon called "infodemic" has been investigated in the telegram channel of the Islamic Republic of Iran News Agency (IRNA) with a qualitative method and thematic analysis approach. Researchers have coded and analyzed data with this method. With this approach, hidden meanings in the data set were identified and introduced. finally, it was found that the six main themes of the research, including the announcement of the end of the corona epidemic, the prevalence of traditional medicine, the side effects of vaccination, the infection of celebrities and famous people with the corona virus, the foods that destroy the corona virus and the economic issues of the corona virus are of interest to this media. Also, "Corona prevention, infection and end" was identified and analyzed as the main overarching theme.
saeeid zokaei; saeeide amini; Behrouz Ashraf Semnani
Streaming is the live broadcasting of video game content on social networks. In a stream, the content producer entertains the audience by broadcasting live video from the game. This article categorizes Iranian streamers using the meta-game theory of jesper juul. Also, this article shows the ...
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Streaming is the live broadcasting of video game content on social networks. In a stream, the content producer entertains the audience by broadcasting live video from the game. This article categorizes Iranian streamers using the meta-game theory of jesper juul. Also, this article shows the differences between Iranian streamers in terms of audience and content. In this article, 15 famous streamers have been interviewed, and their live performances have been observed. In this study, four main categories and 10 subcategories were discovered. This study shows that streamers can be classified based on characteristics such as the type of content, target audience, way of communication with the audience, and goals and ideals of the streamer. This research observed three groups of streamers: the challenge (They focus on global honors), the Competitive (Looking to win over competitors), and the Leisure (They entertain their audience) of a game and gain global honors in the field of video games, competitive ones focus on winning the competition with other streamers, and leisure tend to create a kind of leisure for their audience by producing entertaining content.
Extended Abstract
Stream is the live broadcasting of content by a user to an audience. Statistics show that the number of streamers, audiences, and content produced has increased rapidly, and streaming is a new and growing medium. Twitch is the most famous streaming network in the world. In Iran, Aparat Game is also a domestic network for streaming. Iranian streamers operate on both platforms.
Streamers communicate with their audience by creating content. Content can include playing games, discussing games, discussing various topics, and the like. This content is broadcasted through Twitch or Aparat Game. Audiences also support streamers by donating money. Audiences watch streaming for various reasons: social interaction, a feeling of being in a community, meeting new people, entertainment, searching for information, and other reasons why audiences pay attention to streaming. The question of this article is what types of Iranian streamers can be classified based on the structure and content they produce and how each type of Iranian streamer provides content.
2- Methods:
Most researchers have used methods such as interviews and observation to investigate streamers' behavior and production content. Among the streamers, 67 popular and famous streams were selected. An invitation to participate in the interview was sent to them through the Instagram social network. Fifteen streams agreed to participate in the interview. In addition to the interview, 5 hours of each streamer's activity was also observed.
3- Results:
In this research, 10 subcategories were identified. These categories included the streaming platform, compliance with the rules, age status of the streamer, age of the audience, time of streaming, type of communication with the audience, type of game, method of presenting content, job status, and final ideal. These 10 subcategories were classified into 4 main categories. The main categories are context, communication, content, and personality.
Based on these categories, 3 types of streamers are identified. The first group is the Challenge. The Challenge is looking to win global honors, challenge video games, and do unusual and difficult tasks in games. Their audience honors them after every incredible work, is often silent, and does not play much of a role in the stream. They do not care about following the rules and often stream on Twitch. Their audience is young people and adults, and they play very hard video games. Streaming is their only job, and they dream of winning a world honor.
It is the Competitive streamer that focuses on defeating the rival. The Competitive seeks to win various competitions; the more he wins, the more successful he will be. His audience is also loud and noisy, like the viewers of sports competitions. They are excited during the streaming, happy with his victory, and sad about his loss. The amount of competitive income depends on his victories. They stream on both Aparat and Twitch. If their audience is young, they will stream on Aparat, but if they are young, they will stream on Twitch. Young children and adults are outside their audience. Their favorite games are battle royale style, and they dream of winning the world championship.
The Leisure is a streamer who does not think about winning or losing in the game. The leisure streamer only seeks to entertain his audience. Jokes, laughter, drama, and storytelling can be seen in his stream. The audience of the Leisure streamer watches his stream for fun, laughter, joy, and fun. Recreational streamers may be mediocre gamers, but they can entertain their audience. They have an intimate connection with their audience and often develop deep friendships between themselves and their fans. Children under 10 years old are among their audience.
For this reason, some of them choose Aparat as their streaming platform. They follow the rules more than others. In addition to streaming, there are also YouTubers and influencers. Their dream is to become famous and become a celebrity.
4- Conclusion:
Streamers are focused on meta-gaming. They understand that gaming and streaming is a social event. Each of the streamers tries to entertain their audience in their way. The challenge stream is like an artist's painting, unique and unrepeatable. The Competitive streamer focuses on winning and losing and is excited like a sports match. Like a TV show host, The Leisure seeks to entertain the audience. As streamers age and lose their ability to play video games, they may turn from challenging or competitive streamers into Leisure streamers and seek to entertain the audience more.
5- Funding
There is no funding support.
6- Authors' contributions The author declares no conflict of interest
7- Conflict of interests
The authors declared no conflict of interest.
somayeh shalchi; fatemeh norozi
Virtual networks have become an integral part of human life, especially in the last decade. Thanks to the availability of smartphones at varying prices, people can now easily access all kinds of virtual networks that were once inaccessible before 2010. Instagram, a powerful social platform, has gained ...
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Virtual networks have become an integral part of human life, especially in the last decade. Thanks to the availability of smartphones at varying prices, people can now easily access all kinds of virtual networks that were once inaccessible before 2010. Instagram, a powerful social platform, has gained immense popularity among global users, particularly Iranians, as Iran is among the top ten countries in terms of Instagram usage. It is crucial to examine and understand the effects of this virtual network on people in different ways. As technology has made incredible progress in recent years, introducing new tools and features into people's lives every month, social researchers need to keep up-to-date research in this field. This research specifically focuses on Sweet Home bloggers, who are well-known among Iranian users, and their fans on Instagram. The aim is to understand the nature of their relationship. Firstly, we will explore how fans define the relationship between themselves and Sweet Home bloggers and identify the factors that influence their understanding of this relationship. Finally, we will investigate how the content produced by Sweet Home bloggers is perceived and understood by their fans. Qualitative methods, including semi-structured interviews with 21 active female audiences who consider themselves fans of one of the five Sweet Home bloggers on Instagram, were used in this research.
Through thematic analysis of the data obtained, we identified five main themes. The first theme focused on the level of awareness and understanding of the content on Sweet Home's pages. We found that there was sometimes a deep mistrust towards the content produced by the blogger. The second theme explored how the audience perceives themselves and the blogger with Sweet Home. We found that one group of fans completely identified themselves with the blogger, while another group did not relate to similar bloggers. In this study, we explore several themes related to blogging on Instagram. Firstly, we analyze how fans influence the content creation process of bloggers and how they have the power to direct the path of bloggers' home pages. Secondly, we examine the importance and impact of high-quality and colorful photos posted by bloggers, which can be a factor in retaining audience attention. Thirdly, we investigate the spread of pop culture specific to Instagram by Sweet Home bloggers, which creates a sense of belonging for their audience.
Throughout the study, we found that the current audience is very selective about the type of content they consume, and they have a two-way relationship with bloggers. They not only consume content but also demand and influence the type of content produced. We aimed to understand this unique relationship that has emerged from the virtual world of Instagram and to gain insights into the fans' perspectives.
Keywords: Instagram, sweet home blogger, daily blogger, blogger-follower relationship, social networks, Persian Instagram
Virtual networks have become an integral part of human life, especially in the last decade. Thanks to the availability of smartphones at varying prices, people can now easily access all kinds of virtual networks that were once inaccessible before 2010. Instagram, a powerful social platform, has gained immense popularity among global users, particularly Iranians, as Iran is among the top ten countries in terms of Instagram usage. It is crucial to examine and understand the effects of this virtual network on people in different ways. As technology has made incredible progress in recent years, introducing new tools and features into people's lives every month, social researchers need to keep up-to-date research in this field. This research specifically focuses on Sweet Home bloggers, who are well-known among Iranian users, and their fans on Instagram. The aim is to understand the nature of their relationship. Firstly, we will explore how fans define the relationship between themselves and Sweet Home bloggers and identify the factors that influence their understanding of this relationship. Finally, we will investigate how the content produced by Sweet Home bloggers is perceived and understood by their fans. Qualitative methods, including semi-structured interviews with 21 active female audiences who consider themselves fans of one of the five Sweet Home bloggers on Instagram, were used in this research.
Through thematic analysis of the data obtained, we identified five main themes. The first theme focused on the level of awareness and understanding of the content on Sweet Home's pages. We found that there was sometimes a deep mistrust towards the content produced by the blogger. The second theme explored how the audience perceives themselves and the blogger with Sweet Home. We found that one group of fans completely identified themselves with the blogger, while another group did not relate to similar bloggers. In this study, we explore several themes related to blogging on Instagram. Firstly, we analyze how fans influence the content creation process of bloggers and how they have the power to direct the path of bloggers' home pages. Secondly, we examine the importance and impact of high-quality and colorful photos posted by bloggers, which can be a factor in retaining audience attention. Thirdly, we investigate the spread of pop culture specific to Instagram by Sweet Home bloggers, which creates a sense of belonging for their audience.
Throughout the study, we found that the current audience is very selective about the type of content they consume, and they have a two-way relationship with bloggers. They not only consume content but also demand and influence the type of content produced. We aimed to understand this unique relationship that has emerged from the virtual world of Instagram and to gain insights into the fans' perspectives.
Reza Ali Rezaei Malidarreh; Ali Akbar Farhangi
The study was conducted with the aim of understanding the communication policy model with an emphasis on regulations for Starlink satellite internet. The study with applied-developmental purpose is a cross-sectional survey research in terms of the method and time frame of data collection, and in terms ...
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The study was conducted with the aim of understanding the communication policy model with an emphasis on regulations for Starlink satellite internet. The study with applied-developmental purpose is a cross-sectional survey research in terms of the method and time frame of data collection, and in terms of the research design, it is a mixed research. The community of participants in the qualitative section includes law professors and communication managers, 10 of whom were selected through theoretical sampling. The interviews continued until theoretical saturation was achieved. The statistical population of the quantitative part includes law professors and experts in the field of communication, the sample size of 70 people was estimated by Cohen's power analysis method, and a simple random sampling method was used. The data collection tools were semi-structured interviews and researcher-made questionnaires. The validity of the interview was confirmed based on the four criteria of credibility, transferability, confirmability and reliability, and the reliability of the qualitative part was estimated as 0.709 by calculating the Holstein coefficient. The validity of the quantitative part was checked with the formal validity methods of judges' point of view, convergent validity (above 0.5) and divergent validity. The reliability of the questionnaire was also evaluated by estimating Cronbach's alpha, Rho coefficient and composite reliability above 0.7. Data analysis was done in the qualitative part with the Grand Theory method and in the quantitative part with the partial least squares method. The research findings showed that the consistent international law and determining the precise responsibility for the performance affect the communication policy. The development of communication infrastructures provide the necessary background and the challenge of Starlink satellite internet also plays an intervention role. Finally, the regulation of Starlink satellite internet leads to the facilitation of communication in the age of globalization.
The emergence of Starlink satellite internet and its strategic options were analyzed. The results showed that policy-making in this field should not be done with a confrontational approach and a solution based on interaction should be on the agenda. A review of the study and research literature, especially in the country, shows that despite its importance, the issue of satellite internet is less on the agenda of researchers, and in the few studies that have been conducted, the issue of communication policy has not been addressed in any of these researches in this field. It has not been studied and adapted as a unit.
Therefore, in this study, an effort will be made to take into account the existing knowledge gap and the discussion of innovation and the review of internal and external research, the existing knowledge gap regarding communication policy and with an emphasis on regulation, because until now, researchers in this particular field of work has not done and has not given an article, the research has been done in terms of the topic and the new approach and collecting information and producing content from this technology is considered as research innovation and from another angle, the innovation of this research is a framework for developing regulations for technology The internet from space is called Starlink.
Regarding the challenge of Starlink satellite internet, reduce radio frequency interference by forming joint organizations and mechanisms to deal with cyber threats. In this regard, the development of security culture and technologies and the determination of legal requirements for reporting security breach data will be helpful. Also, relevant managers can reduce the existing challenges to some extent by providing clear and understandable information to users about rights and obligations. Communication policy with emphasis on regulations for Starlink satellite internet has faced a serious challenge due to non-acceptance of the laws of the country by Starlink and the lack of international laws in the field of satellite internet, and the lack of setting standards and guidelines in this area has caused neglect of regulations for Starlink satellite internet. Therefore, it is suggested that by intensifying the penalties for privacy violations and data theft, the path to achieve the goal of communication policy will be facilitated by emphasizing the regulations for Starlink satellite internet.
Regarding the regulations for Starlink satellite internet, it is suggested to prevent interference with satellite services by determining the rules and regulations related to frequency spectrum allocation and management. In this regard, it is important to use frequency spectrum resources equitably and of course to align with international laws and domestic laws of the country. The goals of communication policy can be achieved by emphasizing the regulations for Starlink satellite internet by promoting interaction and cooperation between traditional and satellite operators and determining fair tariffs, and determining and regulating competition laws and paying attention to the International Covenant on Civil Rights will be helpful in this regard.
And by implementing the aforementioned strategies, achieving goals such as facilitating communication in the era of globalization, increasing internet bandwidth, increasing access to high-speed internet in the world, covering all parts of the planet with Starlink satellite internet, reducing the distance from current satellites, not being specific It will be possible to a specific geographical area and a specific and strictly controlled location.
One of the most important cyber issues and concerns of the country in the field of communications is the operationalization of satellite internet in the coming months and years, which seems to have not been given much attention in the country's communications policy, especially in the discussion of the National Information Network. Satellite systems are expanding and with their wide coverage in Iran, they can overshadow the entire national information network at once. If the national information network cannot provide better, cheaper and more diverse services, the national network will be affected by global satellite internet networks, which are mostly American. Of course, what today in this project.
Seyed mohammad reza Maddah; Ehsan Shahghasemi; Mozhgan Sabet Teimouri
This study aims to present a model for an effective domestic messaging application with a focus on the role of users' media literacy. To achieve this, a comprehensive review of the literature was conducted to identify the key indicators of an effective domestic messaging application. The fuzzy Delphi ...
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This study aims to present a model for an effective domestic messaging application with a focus on the role of users' media literacy. To achieve this, a comprehensive review of the literature was conducted to identify the key indicators of an effective domestic messaging application. The fuzzy Delphi technique was then used to localize these indicators, ensuring that expert consensus was the basis for decision-making while providing a more precise analysis of verbal opinions in a fuzzy environment. From 66 indicators identified in the literature, 51 final indicators were determined after three rounds of Delphi analysis with 14 media experts and university professors. These indicators were categorized into seven groups. The seven key indicators affecting media literacy included data protection and user privacy, user experience and capabilities, support and sustainability, social networking and collaboration, technical advancement and compatibility, performance and technical efficiency, and access and usability.The research findings indicate that to create an effective domestic messaging application, special attention should first be given to providing easy access to resources and creating platforms for social collaboration. Following this, improving technical performance, adapting to users' evolving needs, ensuring service stability and quality, and finally, protecting user data and privacy should be emphasized. Based on these findings, practical recommendations include developing educational platforms to enhance users' media literacy, holding educational workshops and webinars, providing regular updates for media tools, and implementing strong security systems to protect user data and privacy.
The present study aims to provide an efficient model for domestic messengers, focusing on the role of users' media literacy. Given the increasing importance of messaging platforms as key communication tools in the digital world and the growing use of such platforms within the country, the need for high-quality, reliable domestic messaging services is felt more than ever. This research seeks to identify key indicators that impact the efficiency of domestic messengers and, by emphasizing the media literacy of users, offers a comprehensive and practical model for the development of domestic messaging platforms.
Importance and Necessity of the Research
Messaging apps today occupy a significant portion of the digital space, playing a crucial role in information transfer, social interactions, and even business development. In Iran, with the widespread use of foreign messaging platforms and various restrictions, including privacy challenges, the importance of developing domestic messengers is strongly felt. However, domestic platforms have not yet been able to fully satisfy users, primarily due to the lack of attention to media literacy as a critical factor in their design and development.
Media Literacy and Its Role in Domestic Messaging Platforms
Media literacy refers to the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create media content, which helps users to correctly understand media messages and use them intelligently and critically. In domestic messengers, media literacy is important not only for understanding received content but also for content creation. Users should be able to utilize messaging tools and features to produce useful and secure content while avoiding the risks associated with misinformation and harmful content. This research has sought to identify and categorize the key indicators related to the efficiency of domestic messengers and the factors that influence users' media literacy.
Research Methodology
This study was conducted using a descriptive-exploratory approach, and data were collected using the fuzzy Delphi technique. In the first stage, through an extensive review of the literature, 66 indicators related to the efficiency of domestic messaging platforms were identified. These indicators were then refined and reduced to 51 key indicators over three rounds of the fuzzy Delphi process, involving 14 experts in media and communications. These indicators were categorized into seven key groups, each directly impacting media literacy and the efficiency of messaging platforms.
Key Identified Indicators
1. Data Protection and User Privacy: Ensuring personal information security and privacy is a primary concern for messaging app users. This category includes indicators such as message encryption, support for security standards, and user data protection.
2. User Experience and Features: A simple user experience and efficient features, such as a user-friendly interface, multimedia file support, and advanced communication capabilities, are important factors in attracting and retaining users.
3. Support and Stability: Adequate technical support and the provision of stable, high-quality services are factors that guarantee user satisfaction.
4. Networking and Social Collaboration: Features like group management, channels, and social tools facilitate social interactions and increase user-to-user engagement.
5. Technical Advancement and Compatibility: Messaging platforms must have the ability to upgrade and adapt to current needs and be resilient to technological changes.
6. Technical Performance and Efficiency: Smooth performance, stability, and high speed are critical factors for users' continuous use of a messaging platform.
7. Accessibility and Usability: The platform must be usable by a wide range of users with different needs and access levels, including those with accessibility limitations.
Research Findings
The research findings indicate that to create an efficient domestic messaging platform, attention must be given to a range of key factors. Foremost, user security and privacy must be prioritized, and developers should seriously adhere to international security standards. Additionally, creating a simple user experience with efficient features plays an important role in attracting and retaining users.
On the other hand, media literacy education for users is highlighted as an essential element in the intelligent and safe use of messaging platforms. Conducting workshops and training programs aimed at improving users' media literacy can lead to increased trust and user satisfaction.
Practical Recommendations
Based on the findings, the following suggestions are offered for improving and developing domestic messaging platforms:
• Establish Educational Platforms: Hold workshops and training courses to enhance users' media literacy.
• Enhance Security: Implement advanced security systems to protect user information and privacy.
• Improve User Experience: Provide regular updates and enhance the technical features of the platform to boost user satisfaction.
• Strengthen Social Networking: Create appropriate platforms for social and group interactions within the messaging app.
This research demonstrates that designing and developing efficient domestic messaging platforms requires simultaneous attention to security, user experience, technical support, and user education. Media literacy is recognized as a significant factor in improving the efficiency and safety of messaging platforms, and focusing on it can positively influence user acceptance and engagement. By implementing the suggested recommendations, the development of reliable and efficient domestic messengers can be anticipated, which not only meets users' communication needs but also helps improve media literacy and intelligent use of digital media.