نوع مقاله : مقاله علمی پژوهشی


1 دانشجوی دکتری مدیریت رسانه، واحد تهران مرکز، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، تهران، ایران

2 عضو هیئت‌علمی گروه روزنامه‌نگاری، دانشگاه علامه طباطبایی، تهران، ایران

3 عضو هیئت‌علمی گروه ارتباطات، واحد تهران مرکز، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، تهران، ایران


شبکه های اجتماعی (پلتفرم های موبایلی) شبکه ی ارتباطی فراگیر و غیر رسمی است از این رو بستر مناسبی برای تولید و انتشار قابل توجهی از شایعه می باشد که اثرات منفی بسیاری بر جامعه می گذارد. شناخت علل و چگونگی تشکیل وکسترش این پدیده ناهنجار ارتباطات مجازی در کاهش و منترل آن کارساز است.
از این رو این تحقیق با هدف شناخت قالب های رایج شایعه و گفتمان شناسی آن در فضای مجازی انجام گرفت. روش تحقیق کیفی و از نوع تحلیل مضمون است. جامعه آماری مطالعات و تحقیقات اخیر در حوزه شایعه و فضای مجازیست که پس از تجزیه و تحلیل 30 داده ی علمی(مقاله، پایان نامه و طرح تحقیقاتی)، نتایج نشان داد: در رابطه با گفتمان و قالب سه مولفه اصلی : ساختارگفتمان – قالب و زمینه در تولید اغلب شایعات مشابه هستند و در ادامه نتایج به ترتیب زیر مقوله های؛ محتوای تغییر پذیر، باور پذیر بودن، گفتارعامیانه، بدون سند و غیر علمی بودن، نامشخص ، ابهام و اغراق آمیز بودن، گفتارآتشین و تلقین فاجعه ، قالب حقیقت جویی، انتقادی، آزادی خواهی، حقوق بشری، هیجانی و پیشگویانه همچنین موضوعات خاص، اجتماعی– مدنی، سیاسی و امنیتی در رابطه با «قالب های رایج و نوع گفتمان شایعه سازی در فضای مجازی» استخراج شد.


عنوان مقاله [English]

Common templates and types of gossip discourse in cyberspace

نویسندگان [English]

  • reza kamari 1
  • Abbas Assadi 2
  • Amir Hesam Eshaghi 3

1 PhD student in Media Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Journalism, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant professor Department of Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

چکیده [English]

Social networks, more commonly known as mobile platforms, provide an informal but pervasive means for the creation and circulation of significant rumors and disinformation. These acts can have profoundly negative effects on individuals and society at large, making them a highly problematic issue. Underlying causes and potential measures to curb the proliferation of this anomalous phenomenon of virtual communication are crucial for mitigating its adverse consequences on individuals and society as a whole. Rumors are commonly studied within social networks as it is the primary platform for user-driven information sharing, increasing the risk of the spread of misinformation and invalid information.
The present study aimed to identify the various forms of gossip and to analyze its discourse in cyberspace using the theme analysis technique. For this purpose, we examined relevant scientific sources, specifically articles, dissertations, and relevant databases. Among the varied techniques of theme analysis, we employed the theme network technique. The primary purpose of theme analysis is to distill meaning and identify patterns from qualitative data. This analytical method allows for the transformation of scattered and disparate data into rich and detailed insights. The study of rumors and virtual space is a relatively recent field of expertise involving the examination of online communication dynamics and its potential impacts. The method used in the present research was quantitative and involved a thematic analysis approach. A total of 30 data points (articles, dissertations, and research plans) were collected and examined after an exhaustive analysis of relevant literature spanning recent studies and investigations. Additionally, a total of 15 data samples were analyzed to identify codes and concepts. As per the organization of the study and the classification of themes, we have the overarching theme, "form and discourse of rumors in cyber space," consisting of three organized themes and 19 basic themes. The overview of the thematic organization and categorization is shown in Table 1.
Table No. 1: List of overarching themes, organized themes and basic themes

Overarching themes

Organized topics

Basic themes

The format and discourse of rumors in cyberspace


Informality of the source

Non-news content

Changeable content

Believable content

Folk content

Undocumented and non-scientific content

Unclear content and ambiguity

Exaggerated content

Fiery content


A disastrous combination

truth seeker


freedom seeking

human rights






Special topics



Rumor is a kind of social phenomenon that spreads rapidly and on a large scale through communication circuits, earning its notoriety as an abnormal occurrence that social scientists have investigated extensively. Some methods have emerged that can effectively counter its proliferation. Rumors are not a modern phenomenon but a historical problem, whose significance has only increased in contemporary times. Ever since ancient Rome, rumors have posed a constant headache for rulers and authorities. Some individuals even resorted to manipulating and exacerbating rumors for their own benefit. They were named informants or rumor mongers.
The examination of data has indicated that political instability and a widening gap between nation and government have resulted in a general atmosphere of suspicion and mistrust, enabling rumors to thrive. Additionally, the availability of unrestricted news and information on the virtual space has allowed rumors to proliferate unopposed, pervading people's logical reasoning and influencing their beliefs and behaviors. In societies going through a transition, a close relationship between political and economic systems is evident. Political challenges lead to economic fluctuations in various aspects of people's lives, triggering concerns and uncertainties.
 While the social, political, and economic dimensions act as the underlying or determining factors of rumors, there is strong evidence that the format and discourse used in the virtual space can exert an influence on these parameters. Previous data, mentioned earlier, illustrates that other variables, such as trust in virtual spaces, public awareness, social class, and participation with the message, can also be involved in rumor production and effectiveness. Therefore, it is recommended that future research explores these variables in relation to the discourse's main component, context, and format. In conclusion, rumor is recognized as a threat and societal ill with far-reaching implications. The importance of the mass media in rumor production and proliferation can't be overlooked. In order to lengthen and intensify the impact of rumors on public opinion, the purveyors seek out ways to infiltrate the mass media, as it possesses a crucial role in influencing this matter. Rumor is a societal issue and danger, which has become increasingly prevalent due to the impact of the digital media. By exploiting the power of the virtual space, rumor-mongers have managed to infiltrate the mass media, leading to the spread and propagation of rumors. Understanding the factors underlying the production and disseminating rumors is crucial for effectively countering the issue, mainly through examining the role played by the discourse structure, format, and context. Following is an overview of the key features of these parameters.
In conclusion, rumor is regarded as a social malaise and danger. Considering what has been highlighted, it is possible to highlight the significance of the mass media (or virtual space) in producing and disseminating rumors. The rumor-mongers are on the lookout for ways to infiltrate the mass media, as it has a significant bearing on the longevity of rumors within the public domain.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Rumor
  • Rumor Making
  • Discourse
  • Virtual Space
  • Internet
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